Wednesday, August 08, 2007


When all is said and done Jesus will be proven faithful as the one who gave each of us every opportunity to escape the consequence for our sins. If you know for certain that you have not put all of your trust into Jesus then I encourage you to be thinking about why your heart stands this way towards Jesus. Ask yourself what is so important that you haven’t dealth with the unbelief in your heart towards him. Answer these questions honestly and privately. Do you know who he really is and what he really says to you personally about rejecting him? Do you know how he lived his life? If not then find a bible today and read the book of John so that you can make a genuine and honest choice for or against him. I can live with somebody choosing against Christ only if they really knew who and what they were choosing against. But I can not live with the thought that I did not encourage you to take the antidote or put on the life jacket, or apply the bail money that Jesus is before you die. I also can’t live with the thought that I watched someone I love and care for sleep walk themselves into a disastrous situation without at least trying to wake them up first. And so I am trying to stay awake and also wake up others to this most critical decision.

I encourage you to be the one who is not influenced by the chaos, the subtlety of half truths, or loudness of blatant lies that are coming at us from all sides. And as the strength of international opinion increases I hope you will find the character to still stand up for what is true. Get quiet, ask questions, and get real with Jesus by yourself. There is too much at stake! And the truth is if I were to die today or if you were to die today I would want to share this with you…. I keep thinking of how time is slipping bye…precious time…. and how important you are in the midst of the passing seconds.

Jesus has not left you in the dark about the ramifications of your decision. You must read the bible if it's the last thing you do!

The great thing about Jesus is that he will not force you to trust him. He wants a genuine relationship with you and he has made this very clear in the bible. Please read it for yourself!

Read the bible to find out how kind God is. For it is His kindness that will give you the desire to turn from your sinful ways.

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