Thursday, September 25, 2008


Dear Fellow Disciples of Jesus Christ,

The links below have been making me think about a lot of things. Please watch them. With all the coming changes we’re being given new opportunity to remain loyal to our Savior Jesus Christ, and I’ve been thinking a lot about the mindset and heart a disciple of Jesus Christ must have to really be considered one. The men portrayed in this video are warriors and I’m moved in the right direction when I remember that people really fought for what’s right in these types of battles. What courage and surrender! When their cultures changed and threats against freedom reared up they were willing to die in the fight for righteousness on the frontline. In my personal relationship with God I have asked Him to help me be focused on the right battle because there are so many to choose from. As Christians, there is really only one battle worth fighting for and worth giving up our time and our whole lives for? If we are going to call ourselves Christians then we need to accept that In God’s eyes there is only one battle that is right and we must begin or continue being focused on that one battle. Have we learned what that battle is? We must have a fresh realization that God see us only through his Son Jesus Christ and that is what we must understand. It is the empowerment we need. God does not see you alone. He sees you through his perfect Son Jesus. Get a hold of that truth and you are empowered! God the Father desires that we are a part of the offensive team rather then the defensive team of advancing his Kingdom. We are all too often on the defensive team which is not advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Advancing God’s Kingdom by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only right battle for disciples of Jesus, because it is the will of God that people believe in his son Jesus Christ above all else and right now time is of essence. He has provided no other way to spend eternity with him except through Jesus. Jesus is already the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and He rules over ALL. Jesus Christ rules a Kingdom of the kind that this world does not understand. It is the only Kingdom that has a single party rule that is worth being under. We are already under the LORD JESUS CHRISTS complete authority. Naturally, we belong to what has become a very confused republic called the United States of America and it is spinning out of control and out of influence. Supernaturally, which is reality, we are already part of GODS KINGDOM.

How do a small number of people within a confused republic, but who are already GODS KINGDOM members, who know the WAY to live, the TRUTH to abide in, and the LIFE to share make a lasting difference? They do two things. First, they Run to the Battle by beginning on their knees in prayer, and reading Gods word and they live carrying their cross daily so that the Holy Spirit of God reigns in their life and makes real warriors out of them. These are the ones who become BOND SERVANTS OF CHRIST. Second, they realize that fighting for the sake of Righteousness, which is the only true Holy War, is accomplished only by LOVINGLY SHARING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST DAILY. A Christian needs to share their faith with at least one person or more a day. If you are doing the first thing you will be successful in the second because God is in control of your life! Are you willing to prepare yourself for this worthy battle of being on the offensive team for Jesus Christ? The gates of hell are already against you, your flesh is already against you, this world is already against you and you will suffer persecution if you commit to being a BOND SERVANT to CHRIST! But a reward awaits you when you enter this battle which in all honesty is not an option in the Christian life.

I’m focusing my life and encouraging my brothers and sisters in Christ so that we really reflect who we are in Christ right now, and this video makes me wonder –

What else do men and women, who already belong to the Kingdom of God, have to go through to be inspired to run to the right battle if it is not already the name of Jesus Christ?

What other purpose do disciples of the LORD of LORDS have that is greater? There is none. Will you run to the battle with warrior courage, loyalty and a willingness to fight to the death for lost souls for the sake of Christ who already saved you in the same way? If we are not we need to forfeit our Christian names. If we are Christians we must run into this battle, because it is the very thing that defines a Christ follower. Christ Followers are BOND SERVANTS to Him, and BOND SERVANTS Run to the Battle. No other name has the power to motivate you to fight the right battle other then Jesus, and there is no other reason to live on this side of eternity other than to fight the right battle so that others can have the opportunity to choose KING JESUS through your witness.

Dear Disciple of Jesus, perhaps we will not have another full week to share the good news about Christ. It is Yom Teruah Sept 29th! Get on your knees and ask God to change you today and entrust your whole life to Jesus Christ. Trust Jesus with everything you have and run into the battle today. The words of this song and the images are powerful and inspiring. May the Lord take us through what we need to go through so that we become true warriors in His eyes and for His Kingdom.


Your fellow soldier in training!

Maranatha Come Lord Jesus Come!

In simplicity and faith, wherever Jesus may lead me, He will go before me, and if I do not know where I go, I know with whom I go. With such a companion will I dread the danger of the journey?