Saturday, September 13, 2014

Dividing Lines Of Truth Unite

In this 5 minute video:  there is a build up of truth and the audience's final unacceptance of it is evidence of the times we are living in.  Ted Cruz' statements are spot on throughout. The audiences tone changes right at a key statement at 2:38m. Everything before that is clapping and agreement. Everything after is booing and unacceptable to them....and this is at a so called "Christian" Event. Be careful. It is very important to know why standing with Israel and supporting Israel is truly of God and is Biblical. Replacement Theology is error. Dual Covenant Theology is error. Everyone in their right mind would accept that physically murdering is wrong, similarly there are also spiritual realities of truth that are equally discerned as right. Knowing the Bible in context reveals that God does have a specific plan for Israel....and he will not abandon them nor replace them. We are ALL undeserving of God's Grace, but He promises to always finish what he has started whether that be in the human heart or a nation. God has a covenant to keep that He made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and it has to do with the Land of Israel.  Do you believe that the God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob is the Living God? We can see the line of truth being drawn in the sand across the globe and through every nation and heart, and people will have to make a choice as to what side of that line they will be on. It's unavoidable.  You either will love Christ or hate him...there is no middle ground on that. You will either love Israel or hate middle ground. You will either take the Mark of the Beast or you won't. There are all kinds of "Christians" these days, but there are those who are true Christians. Recall that the Bible says that he will separate the good fish from the bad fish, the wheat from the tares. What does a true Christian believe about God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Bible, Creation, Salvation, Heaven, Hell, Israel, Sexuality, Money, Marriage, Business, Church, Sin, Leadership etc etc etc?  The Word of God speaks to it all. Read it and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what's True. 

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. (Hebrews 4:12 NLT)

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

NOTES: The Harvest is Ripe - Claudia Koenig

  • Jesus must go through my life like he went through Galilee. John 4 vs 3
  • Jesus gets weary of our unbelief, non bible reading, no praying
  • Jesus can't do much in us because there is mixed drink in our lives: IDOLS
  • Drink of Jesus-  You will never need another someone or something again!
  • John 4: 24-  We must get rid of idols in order to worship God in Spirit- Jesus is weary of idolatry
  • Finish the work for the days are few
  • Must look at Jesus to see the harvest is ripe
  • Plant the seed
  • Some have the gift of evangelism, but we are all called to evangelize. One sows and another reaps
  • Right where you are the people next to you have been labored over. You are next to them to work the harvest that you did not labor over!
  • Jesus has chosen you...You have the choice to obey
  • GET UP!
  • Labor in prayer to meet with God in the morning to sift what is wicked or wrong in your life- 3am is the best time!
  • Andrew Murray- School of Prayer
  • Go sit on a rock - lay it all before the Lord- Give everyone and everything to the Lord
  • Make sure you are talking about Christ and not yourself

Monday, September 08, 2014

Life And Hope Are Found In The Spirit of Jesus Christ: Kindness, Mercy, Grace & Power

Psalm 145 Great is The Lord

What do you do with words like those found in this Psalm and that describe the real character and actions of Jesus Christ? Words like : Wondrous Works, Great, Majesty, Awesome Deeds, Abundant Goodness, Righteous, Gracious, Merciful, Slow to Anger, Abundant in Steadfast Love, Power, Enduring, Faithful, Kind, Upholding, Holy. These words describe the character of The Lord. These are fitting because Jesus does all of these things. It's his reputation. All of these are powerful, and depending on where you are at in life some may stand out more then others. The ones that reach today, and seem to never lose their inviting intent are Kindness, Mercy, Gracious, and Power. Jesus' kindness, mercy, grace and power are irresistible when experienced. They are his up front , first impression traits that leave his mark on people who encounter him. Think of how he handled the woman caught in adultery, the woman at the well, the hungry 5,000, his first miracle at the wedding in Cana, the healing of countless in need, the resurrections of Lazarus and the little girl! Kindness, Mercy, Grace, Power are the traits of Jesus and His traits continue to be powerful today as well.

How close are you to Jesus today? Would these descriptions exist if Jesus were absent and not involved in our world? Are ALL things really held together and everything that is good because of Jesus Christ?  Would we know the full character of God and His kindness, mercy, grace, and power without Jesus? What is the source of forgiveness and how deep can forgiveness go? Or patience? Or Love? The big question is where and what and who is the source of all this goodness we are able to experience in life? Does it come from inside of people? Or does it originate in a Spirit outside of people? Does it originate from the Triune Living God? God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. In sharp contrast, how can someone possibly kill or hurt another person...a child, woman or man? What is the nature of a man and woman? Of God? Of Satan? and who starts and influences anything?

This is what I know without any shadow of doubt: that I am a sinner in need of kindness, mercy, grace and power, and I know that in the Bible are all the historical stories that speak to and provide the answers to all those questions above.

Christ Is Supreme
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,e
for through him God created everything
in the heavenly realms and on earth.
He made the things we can see
and the things we can’t see—
such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.
Everything was created through him and for him.
He existed before anything else,
and he holds all creation together.
Christ is also the head of the church,
which is his body.
He is the beginning,
supreme over all who rise from the dead.f
So he is first in everything.
For God in all his fullness
was pleased to live in Christ,
and through him God reconciled
everything to himself.
He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth
by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.