Friday, September 09, 2005
In order to truly forgive someone we must love them. The depth to which we will forgive someone is in direct proportion to our knowledge and understanding of how far and deep Love can go to cancel the offences we commit in the dark.
It's critically important to recognize that forgiveness in and of itself does not depend on our emotions or reasoning skills. Just as Truth is beyond the dictates of our reason so forgiveness is beyond our limitations and expectations. We are not the source of forgiveness. A spirit, soul, and body that absolutley surrenders themselves into the Light of Truth will, however, become a part of its source. Because a person living in the Light of Truth has experienced forgiveness for everything they have done in the dark, no matter how serious the action or thought, they are now capable to lovingly forgive in the same Spirit and to the same unfathomable depths. Those who have come to know Love personally realize they have been forgiven in a way that flips their inevitable eternity upside down. Instead of eternal death fueled by unforgiveness and pride it has become eternal life fueled by love, forgiveness and humility.
The forgiveness that is found in the Light of Truth is born out of an unconditional love that defies our reason. As a result, we cannot grasp Love totally, but we can know Love and be Love to those around us. If you haven't done so already step into the Light where the Truth will expose all you have ever done in the dark. Then receive the forgiveness that is offered in Love.
Who defines Love? Who defines Light? Who defines Truth? Who defines the Way? Who defines Life? Who defines Humility? Who Surrendered Everything? Who has the power to Forgive?
The only Name under heaven by which men will be saved!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Stepping into Light from the dark places in our spirit, soul and body is the most significant decision we can make. The outcome of such a decision flips our world and perspectives upside down, because the Light allows us to really see ourselves as we truly are and empowers us to do what we could never do in the dark by ourselves. Absolute surrender changes the location of our eternity and enables us to be humble.
I was once in the dark and in a dead and disordered state. I was divided and incomplete and I wanted help out of it. A man who came to understand humility said to me step into and remain in the Light where you will be exposed in the Truth. I did because the dark is lonely, unfulfilling and much worse. This Light completely exposed the reality of my condition: I was dead in my spirit, soul, and body. But the Absolute Truth was there: the Truth that was beyond the dictates of my reason and expectation. I was anticipating justice for who I was in the dark, but the Truth didn't throw a punitive hand, a clamor of disgust, a turn of rejection or a verdict of guilty as charged. He offered me forgiveness past, present and future because he already took the perfect justice for my carnal, diseased and disordered state. If I would receive his mercy so undeserved I would never receive his justice so rightly deserved. It was at this point that I experienced what humility was. I received forgiveness and surrendered completely to the way of living that is in the Light of Truth.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
When we surrender our spirit, soul and body to the Light it allows us to see our true spiritual need and that those things we have been doing in the dark steal the best that Truth has to offer us, namely, real love, real joy, real peace, real relationships, and real eternal life. None of these can be experienced unless they are given and received in the Spirit of Humility. This humility is fueled by Love.
As we remain in the Light we will be sustained by it because in a sense we have "plugged into its power" through a chosen state of willfull surrender. Partial surrender to the Light is no surrender at all because it is an incomplete and divided decision. It's been said that whoever surrenders their spirit, soul and body into the Light of Truth will receive its eternal spiritual Life, but whoever remains in the darkness will lose their life in that same eternal and spiritual darkness.
Real Love, Joy, Peace, Hope, Relationship, and Life are all available to us when we humble ourselves through surrendering to the Light of Truth.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
If humility means lowering ourselves in the attitude and spirit of Truth to that place where we see others as more important than our own interests, then surrender means to consistently and consciously enter into the only realm that empowers us to live in such a Way.
Consistently achieving a humble heart in the seconds of our lives is to come to a place of absolute surrender in our spirit, soul and body. This absolute surrender is a deliberate step we take into the Light, and it is motivated by Love not fear. It is motivated by sorrow over those things we have been doing in the dark and a willingness to stop doing those things once and for all.
Monday, September 05, 2005
"The greatest among us should be like the youngest, and those who rule like those who serve". This is the Truth
What is humility and who among us sets it as their focus for each day? If we begin to understand and pursue humility in the truest sense of the word then apply it, we will experience life as it was meant to be. We will become more complete.
Humility is the opposite of our pride:
"Humility is the proper estimate of oneself."
"If you are looking for an example of humility, look at the cross."
"It is no great thing to be humble when you are brought low; but to be humble when you are praised is geat and rare achievement."
"Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil's reach as humility."
"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish yourself to be."
"Humility is the most difficult of all virtues to achieve; nothing dies harder than the desire to think well of oneself."
To be humble is to flip our world upside down. It is to do what is unnatural. It is to do what is uncomfortable. When we pursue recognition, glory and praise for ourselves we are doing what's natural. When we want to control, be first and not wait, or impress those around we are doing what comes natural. This is not humility.
Humility is a conscious decision that is born out of a Spirit that is beyond us. If we choose to receive this Spirit we will become humble. We will become servants without pride in our marriages, families, friendships, and other relationships. Without the pursuit and application of humility we will eventually lose everything.
To be people of humility we must make ourselves nothing in our spirits, souls and bodies by taking in the Spirit of Truth. We must become dead to ourselves and concider the only Way that can produce unity. If you are a King or Queen, President or Prime Minister, Father or Mother, Husband or Wife, CEO or Manager, Teacher, Friend...Whomever, let's take on the role of a servant with joy. To make ourselves nothing we need live in the Light. Here there is no division.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Absolute Truth is Light. Just as light exposes things that are in the dark so Truth exposes the problems that cause division and spiritual death inside and around us.
Our spirit, soul and body long for inner peace but that Peace will never be experienced if we don't first step into the Light of Truth that can reveal to us our real need. Our real need is to be free from ourselves and united with the one whose image we reflect. It has been written that the only reason we would not accept Truth or step into the Light is because we love to lift up ourselves in the dark. We love pleasure and self-reliance more than Truth. We tend to stay out of the Light of Truth because it is the only thing that can expose what we do for ourselves in the dark. This means we are afraid to be found out and punished for those things we know deserve justice.
I want to be in the Light of Truth so that I can be known by my wife, my family and friends, and others I interact with. I desire to be undivided and without hypocracy so I can be known by the Light. This is a worthy goal. A hard goal but well worth the sacrifice of self. It means real living, peace, health, contentment in all circumstances, and true friendship.