Friday, May 20, 2016

Turn Around and Look Into the Eyes of Jesus

We can receive the goodness of God by turning toward Jesus and then by looking at him. This is an internal heart focus in spirit and truth. He smiles and is full of much goodness. He constantly comes to us in our daily life circumstances desiring to take us deeper with him. We can respond to that how we will, but the point is we can receive him! The cycles of growing and maturing in life are his utmost concern. He desires that none should perish in their sins, and he desires that we grow and mature in faith in him; to trust him. Jesus can not hurt us so as to give us excuse to not trust him. At times, we turn off his path and onto dark distant paths, yet he beckons us back. For some, they have never been on his path, but Jesus invites them on. At other times, we stay close to the narrow road, but graze ever so slightly off of it, and he still takes the time to redirect and sanctify us. "Be Holy as I am Holy" Jesus never gives up on us. He is Truth and he follows us as a Protector, a Shepherd, as the Lord. To know Jesus intimately is the will of God. To worship him and enjoy fellowship with him forever is the reason we exist. Sometimes that means we wrestle with him, we fail, we get back up, and it means to really see him.

By faith, turn back around and look at Jesus. Let the guard down, turn away from old patterns, dependencies, securities, ideas. Look at Jesus and see and hear what he has for you today. He always is there and is ready to hang out and give to you. What Jesus gives is beyond description. 

It is Good.

I received God's goodness this morning. I'm in a get back up cycle in my faith. He hears my prayers, "Dear Jesus, help me to get back up, help me to follow you in greater sacrifice and surrender, in more grace and unconditional love!" So he whispers John 21. He led me back to my favorite Chapter of the Bible; one that I have not read, nor thought about in a while. It uplifted me in the depths of my heart.

All the meaning in those John 21 moments is very encouraging to the heart and soul of man. God's word speaks to us when we turn to it. When we utterly depend on it no matter the state of our faith. Read John 21 below.

And here is a glimpse of the heart of Jesus in Spurgeon's Morning Devotional for today May 20th.

Can you look into Jesus' eyes today and receive him?

God bless you this morning and evermore!