Saturday, February 10, 2018

Restore Your Spirit Into Us and Lead Us

Dear Jesus, please help us today. We desire to be poured out, and we want to know your call on our lives, and to use the gifts that you have given us for your glory.  Would you protect our families and hold us together. Lead us to surrender and trust you in all circumstances. Please drive us to repentance of all that is in us that is not pleasing or of your Spirit. Jesus, please restore your Spirit into us and help us to lead our wives and children into you chambers  and to also be pleasing to you. Protect us from ourselves and give us the right desire to grow into your heart and way of living. We thank you Lord Jesus.

Mark 3

Oh God How Old Are We Now? Cultivate the Good Soil

Oh God, our Father, You see us now and know everything about us. We just bow before you in prayer. Can you touch our hearts to love or are we too hard, too full of ourselves? Please end us, and bring forth your life in us. Bring forth fruit through us for others and for your glory. Bring pleasing aromas for your senses through us. 

How old are we now? Have we lived half our lives or more, or are we young? The nature of our flesh and this world can stunt or walk and journey with you if we are not careful. We ask, ‘where has flourishing gone, and fruit bearing ended up? Where is joy, love and power? You know what causes stunting in our hearts, and what soil we have within us right now.  Please heal our hearts. Please cultivate good soil in our souls so that our hearts will accept and produce fruit for you today.  Give us the measure to use and teach us to love. Take all the cares of our hearts and start us over in your life and Spirit. Wash us. Clean us. Restore us. Without you we have nothing and can do nothing. Please bless our families Lord God into a living faith… A saving faith. We name them before you now. Thank you dear Father and for your son Jesus Christ! 

Mark 4

We Desire and Need Only You Jesus

Do not leave your chamber without inquiring of the Sovereign Lord  / Serve others until exhausted, but always be replenished. Be filled up continually through the Word of God and Prayer. Rest. /
Have a faith that can be tested.

We desire to please you Jesus for you have given us everything of yourself. You have given us all things good and eternal. Blessed be your name! We need you to give us faith for in you there is all authority, healing, recovery, restoration. We are hungry oh God, and you are the Bread of Life Jesus. We need our true hunger satisfied desperately. Jesus, you know that people need you. Please continue to perform what needs to be done in the lives of people everywhere in this world today.  By that miracle of compassionate love may it draw us closer to you and produce and strengthen the faith in us needed for the salvation of our souls, and the restoration and sanctification of our souls. We need your Salvation. We need YOU Jesus.

Mark 6

Cause Us to Abide in You Dear Lord

Dear Lord Jesus, we cannot, but you can! Where and when we are incapable you are able to perform. I pray that what you desire for our hearts and lives would come to its fullness. We can feel and become so overwhelmed by the circumstances of life,  and by the inabilities within ourselves. Your command to abide in you will make all the difference, yet even to abide in you well is the most challenging thing to do in ourselves and in this world. But what we cannot do you can! Teach us to abide moment by moment in every day.  Please bring into us a strong desire and hunger to abide in you. Create in us that blessed thirst, that can only be quenched by you Jesus, within our  minds, hearts, bodies and souls. Cause all the distractions in our lives to become uninteresting, boring, and insignificant. We and our loved ones need you and only you Dear Jesus. Please bless us with you, for only you can be our truest eternal blessing of life and peace, joy and satisfaction. You are our only hope, our eternity, our very life and breath. Please magnify yourself so that we may notice you and entrust our complete selves to you. Thank you Dear Lord Jesus

Mark 7

To Be Called and To Follow

Mark 1:17,20; 2:14, 17; 3:3,13; 6:7

“There is an aspect of Jesus that chills the heart of the disciple to the core and makes the whole spiritual life gasp for breath. This strange Being with his face “set like a flint” and His striding determination strikes terror into me. He is no longer Counselor and Comrade, He is taken up with a point of view I know nothing about, and I am amazed at Him. At first I was confident I understood Him, but now I am not so sure. I begin to realize there is a distance between Jesus Christ and me; I can no longer be familiar with Him. He is ahead of me and He never turns around; I have no idea where He is going, and the goal has become strangely far off.” Oswald Chambers

“The response of the disciple is an act of obedience, not a confession of faith in Jesus.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“The disciples response to Jesus’ ‘ Follow Me’ is a testimony to the absolute, direct, and unaccountable authority of Jesus. The call is all. Jesus is the reason. The only way to follow is to leave everything and follow him. Here is a call that makes short work of all our questions, objections, and evasions. Disciples are not so much those who follow as those who must follow.” Oz Guiness

“Have you experienced the discipline of dismay? If we have never had the experience of taking our commonplace religious shoes off our commonplace religious feet, and getting rid of all the undue familiarity with which we approach God, it is questionable whether we have ever stood in His presence. The people who are flippant and familiar are those who have never yet been introduced to Jesus Christ.” Oswald Chambers. 

Mark 1-6