Saturday, February 10, 2018

Oh God How Old Are We Now? Cultivate the Good Soil

Oh God, our Father, You see us now and know everything about us. We just bow before you in prayer. Can you touch our hearts to love or are we too hard, too full of ourselves? Please end us, and bring forth your life in us. Bring forth fruit through us for others and for your glory. Bring pleasing aromas for your senses through us. 

How old are we now? Have we lived half our lives or more, or are we young? The nature of our flesh and this world can stunt or walk and journey with you if we are not careful. We ask, ‘where has flourishing gone, and fruit bearing ended up? Where is joy, love and power? You know what causes stunting in our hearts, and what soil we have within us right now.  Please heal our hearts. Please cultivate good soil in our souls so that our hearts will accept and produce fruit for you today.  Give us the measure to use and teach us to love. Take all the cares of our hearts and start us over in your life and Spirit. Wash us. Clean us. Restore us. Without you we have nothing and can do nothing. Please bless our families Lord God into a living faith… A saving faith. We name them before you now. Thank you dear Father and for your son Jesus Christ! 

Mark 4

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