Friday, July 15, 2016
God's Response To Man's Sin
What is God's response to man's acts of rage and violence and pride and rebellion and perversion? It is, "come out of your sins and repent, turn from that way, toward my son Jesus Christ who I forgive you through. Outside of my son I must judge your sin. There will come a day when I pour out my anger and wrath upon all rebellion and sin. I desire that none would perish but that all would come to me through my Son. "
Days of Rage or Days of Blessing? You Choose
“Keep alert at all times. And pray that you might be strong enough to escape these coming horrors and stand before the Son of Man.”” Luke 21:36 NLT
“For there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again.” Matthew 24:21 NLT
We are on the cusp of what the Bible calls the "time of sorrows." Many horrors are happening and in greater frequency, and whether you read the Bible or not you can observe the many changes taking place around the world that will eventually impact us all.
Why did Jesus say these things in the above verses? A disclosure and an encouragement are in those important statements of his.
He said it because, so much of life is about preparing or practicing in order to be qualified for the real event. The Bible references athletes, farmers, soldiers, ants... as types that prepare for or ready themselves for final events in competition, harvesting, battling, and storing. We can relate with this.
In light of urgent current events, most of which is not known in context by the general public, and what the Bible says will happen, also unknown to the masses in context, we can know for certain we are supposed to be readying ourselves for something.
What is THAT absolute critical thing Jesus is exhorting us to escape and be ready for? Is it all the horrific circumstances coming upon the world; is it the return of Christ? Or is it both?
The reason I post about God, and try to encourage people in the ways of God through Jesus Christ on facebook, on a blog, in conversations, at work, and through life in general boils down to THIS ONE MOTIVE. It's to encourage people to ready themselves to stand before the living God in a right relationship with him. To see him now/today in faith and heart. This in essence, is to help people escape the coming horrors in the world on this side of heaven and for all eternity after we die.
The world is going to do its thing, and it's going to be ugly, very ugly, but it is still not final. Meaning, the imploding self destruction of the world is not to be feared. Man, who blows up bombs, and kills people, and hurts people is not to be feared. What is to fear is the finality of dying in your body, and not being ready to stand before God, because then you will either be judged and condemned over all your unforgiven sin or pardoned of your sin and justified, because the blood of Christ has been appropriated onto you by faith. THAT moment is what life is about. THAT is the finish line we must be prepared for. It's so important to realize that you are qualified or disqualified to enter heaven BEFORE you die in the body. It will be too late after you die. You are qualified to enter heaven for all eternity through one single narrow gate; one single mindedness..... both of which is in the powerful pure redeeming blood of Jesus Christ. If Christ isn't covering you BEFORE you die you will be disqualified.
I believe we should be prepared for the hard times by first readying ourselves to receive Jesus, and to be prepared to share the good news about him with others. We don't know when we will die or when others will die so today is the day to magnify and glorify the salvation of Jesus Christ and follow him. By doing so you are ready for anything and everything in eternity and today.
When you read scripture you realize that the whole world will be under the control of a Beast System where you will not be able to buy or sell anything without having the mark of the beast. That's what all this chaos is about. But be warned, taking that mark is a final eternal decision of allegiance to Anti-Christ, and a final eternal rejection of the true living God. You are anathema ( condemned forever) if you receive it. The real freedom and savior you are looking for is Jesus Christ. Receive his mark, the HOLY SPIRIT, and be Born Again today.
Do not let your days rage. Come into a qualified state for eternal life today. Today can be your Day of Blessing.
Forgiveness will rule your soul. Peace will flood your heart and mind. Your eternity will be secure EVEN WHEN THE HEAVENS ROAR, THE MOUNTAINS FALL AND THE SEAS RAGE, because they are going to roar and rage. The Lord Jesus himself exhorts you to pray that you may be able to escape all the coming horrors and be able to stand before him. Do not be deceived by the Devil, his system, your flesh, nor your will. The last thing you do not want to hear is, "Depart from me. I never knew you," by the Spirit of God. That will be the beginning of an eternity of rage and terror unlike you have ever experienced.
Forgiveness will rule your soul. Peace will flood your heart and mind. Your eternity will be secure EVEN WHEN THE HEAVENS ROAR, THE MOUNTAINS FALL AND THE SEAS RAGE, because they are going to roar and rage. The Lord Jesus himself exhorts you to pray that you may be able to escape all the coming horrors and be able to stand before him. Do not be deceived by the Devil, his system, your flesh, nor your will. The last thing you do not want to hear is, "Depart from me. I never knew you," by the Spirit of God. That will be the beginning of an eternity of rage and terror unlike you have ever experienced.
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