We live in interesting and exciting times, and the following questions might be heard from individuals who recognize this sobering world climate: Where is this increasing potential for war coming from?, Why is there more and more unbelief in God?, and Why are so many catastrophic events occuring around the world? I believe the answers to these questions are rooted in two facts: 1. That willful people along with great spiritual forces are trying to stop the pure message about Jesus Christ which is found in the Bible from being heard, understood and believed, and 2. These same willful people and spiritual forces are trying to prevent God's plan for the nation of Israel from being fulfilled. For these reasons and because the truth about Jesus Christ the coming Messiah is unhindered and unstoppable our world will continue to experience increasingly troublesome side-effects. As a result, it would be wise to seriously consider the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter 24 and 25:1-13, and to remind one another that as we begin to witness the fulfillment of his words that we are not to be relying on our own explanation and understanding of these events. It is because of Jesus' love that he forwarned people of these coming trials and tribulations that will occur shortly before he returns. Ultimately, the truth to be relied upon and proclaimed is that Jesus voluntarily offered his life as a substitutionary death for the purpose of forgiving our sins, and that those who claim this reality for their sin can be confident their sins are forgiven. Those who put their trust in Jesus are the ones who will find rest in an increasingly troubled world.
A surfer peers out into the ocean to find the swell of the next big wave. When he sees it he will then move into position so he can ride that wave properly. In the same way, those who have been trained to watch and make sense of the times we live in are those who have been reading the bible as it is meant to be read. These people are the ones with 'the' surf board and they have been equipped and are positioning themselves in front of this rising swell of biblical prophetic significance in an unsettled sea of social, religious, economic, and political upheaval. For nearly six decades this has been occuring. This swell was created when the nation of Israel dropped out of nowhere onto the face of maps in 1948. Since then it has been gaining strength and momentum in spite of the increasing opposition. As God has been drawing his people back to himself and into the land he gave them in Genesis Chapter 15 he has been proclaiming that the way to know and be with Him is solely through his Son Jesus Christ. This is God's message to the world not a man made idea and throughout the generations this message has never changed. Salvation through Jesus Christ the Son of God is the message God is proclaiming in both the Old and New Testaments. But it is the unbelief, pride and rebellious nature in the heart of people that prevent them from claiming this truth for themselves.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
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