PSALM 37:6
I've been reading the Bible and it brings me close to my Savior. It shows me His awesome love. My Abba Father, how amazing His name is, sees beyond my sinful nature, because He has found me in Jesus Christ who is His one and only son. Nothing compares to the Goodness of God after you experience Him. When Elohim reveals Himself it is beyond words to describe, but when He does reveal His heart one realizes that there is no secure foundation before Him other then the Person of Jesus Christ. Only Jesus has what it takes to satisfy God's standard of Goodness and to make everything in our lives good, right and everlasting.
How is it that Jesus Christ is the only one who can make someone really good and eternal? So good and eternal that not even fire will be able to consume them at the judgement, nor the Accuser be able to persuade God's Justice to rightfully condemn their sin? Well, there is a blessing that comes with the answer to this question, but you will only be able to experience it when you finally put your faith into the One who defines Goodness. Believe me your effort no matter how much is required to finally receive this blessing will be worth it!
Who defines Goodness?
There is only ONE who is Good: He is
Friends, if we want to know what is really good we desperatly need to fix our eyes and hearts on Jesus Christ who is the exact representation of God the Father in a bodily form. We must talk about Jesus and get to know Jesus better through the disciplined study of scripture, and we must become more aware of and yield to the ministry of the Holy Spirit whose major purpose is to point out Jesus Christ in all things and magnify Him in this world so that God the Father will be glorified.
So when I stand before God ALONE I know I am the furthest away from innocence and being considered radiant. Basically, I'm not good in my nature. Rather, I stand there guilty because I do and think what I should never do and think, and as a result I am the Chief of Sinners. Ultimately, what this means is that I have sinned against God alone and I am guilty before Him alone.
If you are thinking, "Wow Hank! What did you do that was so bad to make you the Chief of Sinners?," you are headed down the wrong thought process. It doesn't matter what I have done to sin against God because to Him my sins and your sins are all the same in his eyes. You may be thinking, "There is no way that stealing candy carrys the same verdict as murdering your fellow man!" If you are thinking this way you are still misunderstanding the heart of God. You are not realizing that it is God who sets the standard of what is good or not good. Not people.
You see, God can not lie because that is His nature and the Bible is His heart expressed to us on paper. The Bible says that all have fallen short of God's GOODNESS, and that among men there is not one who is good. Not even one! So if you have ever told a lie, big or small, it's because you are a liar by nature which means you are not good in God's eyes. This does not mean God doesn't love you. Another example is within sexuality, if you have even lusted after another person or thing in your thoughts (doesn't have to be just in your behaviors) this means that you are an adulterer by nature, and God does not see you as good. To clear the confusion, the problem is not heterosexuality, homosexuality, bestiality, polygamy, incest etc. All people who are defined by these labels have the same problem: LUST. Whether a human being lusts in their nature after the opposite sex, the same sex, or other things the bottomline is that they are breaking God's standard of being good and instead they are commiting adultery which ultimately is idolatry. And what about anger? If you hate someone you are murdering them in your heart, and God does not see you as good. Envy? pride? selfishness? greed? gossip?....think about all the thoughts and behaviors that are born out of these things that are naturally in us. I say this with brokenness and gentleness: You are not good deep down inside and that's a hard truth to swallow, but it is indeed true.
God knows that you have nothing in yourself that is good enough to satisfy His standard of PERFECTION. He knows that it is only by His nature that your guilt and shame can ever be erased so that your nature can become innocent in order to enter eternal life. The hard truth is that the world is teeming with billions of people who are not good by nature. Even though so many sincere influential and powerful people are saying the opposite they are sincerely wrong according to the bible. Honestly, people who say that human beings are naturally good have not realized the weight of their sin before the living God nor do they realize what God's perspective of sin is and how he has chosen to deal with it. God sees all things and nothing is hidden from His eyes even the things done in secret. So how is God dealing with this sin nature problem that we have?
God has the highest expectations, and He has a hard standard that can not be avoided, ignored or changed. His standard must be met by us. His standard is:
You see in God's eyes it is not that we have sinned that is the real problem. The real problem is that WE ARE SINNERS BY NATURE. In a sense, sinning is what we do for a living. Who we are at the heart of hearts is the problem, and it is only His nature that can save us. The fact that we are sinful by nature is obvious by the typical response we have to the one issue that matters most: We turn our backs against God's ways because we don't want God deep down inside. We would rather be god of our own personal life, and yield to nothing other then our own desires, opinions or the "good" ideas of others rather then surrender our life to Him, the very Creator all things, so He can take Lordship of our lives. The perfect example of this is that we do everything in our own rationale to reject that Jesus Christ is the only way into heaven even when God said about Jesus, "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him" in John 3. People will kick and flail and throw temper tantrums and get very angry when faced with this absolute truth. Jesus is God in the flesh and consequently the only one whose NATURE is prestinely GOOD, HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, and PERFECT in God the Father's eyes. This is the final frontier of human pride. It will either die here by choice or thrive by choice. Either a person accepts this truth humbly or rejects this truth in pride. And the good news is that humbly receiving Jesus as your Lord through faith and grace means that God the Father will NEVER see your sinful nature. He will only see Jesus' nature on you because you believed the truth about Jesus.
Imagine wearing a red robe stained with all the sins of your lifetime and you come to realize that Jesus lived the perfect life with no sin, even in his thoughts, and then finally shed his innocent blood on the cross for you. As you realize this you begin to see what God really thinks about you even while you are yet sinning. You begin to see that God's standard of GOODNESS, HOLINESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PERFECTION, is being lived out and met by Jesus and that God's nature of LOVE, FORGIVENESS, MERCY, & GRACE is at the same time being revealed in the death of Jesus....ALL FOR YOU! Finally, you begin to grasp God's power and authority as you learn that He RESURRECTED Jesus from the dead. All this so that today you would have the opportunity to believe and replace your guilty red robe for the innocent white robe Christ is for you. Believing means confessing that you are a SINNER BY NATURE and need to be BORN AGAIN by the Spirit through repentance which is turning away from your life & nature of sin and entrusting your life to JESUS for what He has done for you.
Have you realized the magnitude of your sin before God yet? Your sin nature is so serious that God had to die for you. And He willingly did because he loves you and does not want you to be condemned to hell which was originally for Satan and his demons and all the garbage they have been spewing on humanity and their rebellion against God. If you spend time with God and seek Him with ALL your heart you will find Him! The Word of God is the Bible and He can be found there in a personal and intimate way. When you read the Bible you will begin to understand the truth about what God really thinks about your sinful nature, as well as His love for you despite that nature. God is for you not against you! He is not willing that anyone should perish but that all would come into eternal life through Jesus Christ. But when you finally see the truth of who you are before God you will correctly turn your head away from Him and cry out like the prophet Isaiah:
"I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. 2 Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. 3 And one called out to another and said,“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts,The whole earth is full of His glory.”4 And the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, while the temple was filling with smoke. 5 Then I said,“Woe is me, for I am ruined!Because I am a man of unclean lips,And I live among a people of unclean lips;For my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.” Isaiah 6:1-5
Isaiah saw and heard the Holiness of God and his first inclination was WOE IS ME and this is the right response. What happened next basically reveals who God is. How loving and kind he is to Isaiah!
I sincerely hope you will experience brokenness and a healthy fear before the living God. It is the right road to begin walking on. I hope you will tremble before God because that is what you need. It is what I need. We all need to begin to fear God in reverance. We need to see God in his rightful Character and we desperatly need to realize again or for the first time, who we really are compared to Him. This is the only way to grow properly in faith and into His Image and to experience Psalm 37:6
He will do the unbelievable and unexpected in your life when you finally see who you are before God! Yes, He will lift your head with his powerful and mighty hands and gently whisper to you, "Have you considered my son Jesus?" The one true God will love you instead of judge you in His MERCY! Abba Father, the Creator of your soul, body, personality, has a Daddy's heart! Run to Him with your childlike heart and be healed.
God Bless YOU!
Monday, March 16, 2009
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