Saturday, December 27, 2008

Everyone has fallen short of the glory of God
A message to those who are hard towards God

Does it make you uncomfortable when someone begins to talk to you about your personal sin nature and that you will be held accountable before God for breaking His law? Are you a person who can take responsibility for your wrong doing and accept that there is such a thing called Justice, or are you in a place where you won't accept that Justice will fall upon you after you die ...that is... if your sin nature has not been forgiven?

Think on these questions: Are thieves good people, are liars good people, are adulterers, murderers, rapists good? If someone lusts after another person or thing, or gossips about others and slanders them, or commits acts of sexual immorality and impurity are they good? What about those who blaspheme God's name, or covet their neighbors wife or husband or possessions? Are these good people? Have you done any one of these things? If so, you are not good no matter how small the act or thought. What about selfishness and pride or anger and greed? These are in the heart of man and they are not good.

Even though man has good intention at times it is obvious that he is by nature falling short of God's good standard. The bible says that the heart of man is exceedingly wicked, who can know it. The thought life of man and the behaviors of man are riddled with sin. Have you accepted this hard truth: that you have fallen short of God's glory and that you are not good by nature? If every thought and intention and action that you have ever had in your whole life was put on a reel and played so that all could really come to know you, would those watching conclude that you are a good person?

Personally, it has always made complete sense to me that if I do something that breaks the law and is morally wrong that there will be some sort of a consequence to pay. Obviously, if I get caught the law demands justice be served, but if I don't get caught am I really safe? Has justive been avoided? Can I really hide from God? It is not difficult to reason that I am responsible and will also be held accountable for all of my wrong actions at some point ...especially if I don't get caught now. You should realize this about yourself also. Even if you do not believe in God this does not change what is true.

Man is not Just, But God is and He created you with a free will to choose to love Him. Why else do you have a conscience that speaks of what is right and wrong deep within your soul? It is somewhat confusing to me that you try to make yourself feel better by ignoring your conscience so you can dodge what is true. This is a wasteful game to play that only hurts you in the end, because you will still stand before God alone one day, just as I will. We only live once, then we will face the judgement.

When I was 12 I got caught breaking and entering and vandalizing a home. Nothing but my sin nature lead me to do this. I was caught in the act and had to face the just punishment. I was guilty and was expecting the worst even though I was only 12. I deserved more then what I got not because I was guilty, but because the punishment didn't fit the crime. At 12 I didn't realize the magnitude of the mercy I received, but on the next crime I did. When I was 14 my dad caught me with a stash of wallets and other stuff I stole from a department store. $100's worth. The way he dealt with his "thief of a son" changed my life forever. I walked in my house from an afternoon of playing with friends and I saw it in his eyes. A seriousness that would silence any room. He said, "go to your room." I walked into my room and saw the stash of stolen goods on my bed and realized I was caught and deserving of punishment. I was expecting the belt, grounding forever, not being able to hang out with my friends anymore. He came in sat on the bed and spoke to me as an adult. My Dad explained to me where my life would lead if I continued stealing and lying. I believed him. He didn't raise his voice, didn't ground me, nor whip me with that belt. He told me I had 2 choices: 1: throw the stash in the trash or 2: Take the wallets back to the manager. I chose #2 because thankfully I realized I was experiencing moments of virtue and honor and I wanted to respect my Dad for dealing with me kindly when I didn't deserve it, and because of his kindness I wanted to do the right thing. So I packed all the stuff in a briefcase and my Dad drove me to the store and I went in by myself and asked for the manager. We sat down in his office, I showed him what I stole, apologized and then was anticipating my punishment because I was guilty. I wasn't trying to run away from my problem even though I knew I could be be doing community service for a long time. He said, "It looks like you are learning something. Thanks for bringing this back to me. You are free to go and please don't steal from me again." When I was walking out of the doors I cannot tell you adequetly enough how free and thankful I was to be pardoned or forgiven and shown mercy when I didn't deserve it. From that moment on I wanted to do the right thing even more and not take advantage of the gift of mercy I received from my Dad and the store manager. It was Mercy that changed my life. Mercy = Not getting the Justice that you deserve

If you are hard towards God do you want to know's not his fault. It's because of your choices and possibly the choices of others you know that you are angry towards God and don't want anything to do with Him. But the truth is that both you and they are sinners by nature. Please understand that God has already shown you mercy even though you are guilty before him. Just as I was guilty before my dad as a thief and vandal, I am also guilty before God as rebellious and falling short of His perfection. In the same way you are also rebellious and falling short of God's perfection, and we really deserve to go to Hell


He took the wrath you deserve and instead poured it out upon his own Son, Jesus Christ. He wanted to prove to you that He really loves you inspite of all your sins and inspite of your rebellious nature, so Jesus died for you even while you were still sinning against him! He is not angry at you, He does not hate you. He has proven otherwise. But why do you blame God and others still for what has happened to you and for who you have become. It is only because this is a rebellios world and you are a rebellious person. I am being so direct because it is necessary, but please believe me it is in love and with hope that you will see the amazing truth of God's love for you. His Mercy is available to you the moment you believe on Him as your personal Lord and Savior. The only thing that will keep you from believing on Jesus is your personal pride and selfishness, and desire to live for your self. The Bible says that if you hear God calling you do not harden your heart towards Him. It says that TODAY is the day to be born again and to start a new life with Christ that is by FAITH.

If you are wanting to humble yourself because you know what I am sharing is true, please go and pray and talk to God wherever you are at. Look around you and wake up to the truth. That God's Son really did die for you personally so that all your sin nature could be forgiven and your eternity will be with God. Find a bible and start reading the Gospel of John. The God who created you is faithful and loving and desires that you come to know him personally. Don't delay!

With Love,
