Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Passionate Love of God is Alive!

How Passionate Is Jesus for You? Click the "Alive" link and listen to this message all the way through and learn of how God Loves you no matter what. God is able to carry you through to the very end even if you are so tired. Reach out to God. God Bless you!

 Alive- Jim Cymbala

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Placing Your Trust In Jesus Christ In An Urgent Hour

I'm thankful I serve God who is perfectly just in all things, and perfectly merciful in all things at the same time. I can entrust all of my concerns to him, my very life (every choice good and bad), my family and friends and be at peace.  I can entrust others in the world who are suffering into his hands. Evil and rebellion against God have been around since the beginning. It's called sin. Savage atrocities against mankind by the hands of other men in the name of their man made "gods," and terrible things that we have never even heard of have been happening since the beginning both in the spiritual realm and physical realm. Those things that we consider as major sins, and the same with those we consider as minor sins.....these and everything in between have been happening since the beginning. The standard of the Living God is perfection and holiness and righteousness so with that standard it's all the same. Sin is sin.  Thankfully we have been mostly sheltered from deep evil, but the living God knows all things and he will judge all sin one day. Depending on where your faith lies, it is either a fearful thing or a wonderful thing to fall in the hands of the living God. He will not ignore evil and he will not ignore our sins. He can not and be a just God. We can see the passion and righteous anger and judgement of God against our sins falling literally on Jesus Christ. Let's ask ourselves, "Do we hate it when men women and children are beheaded, raped, cut in half? And do you hate it when a piece of bubble gum is stolen from the store or a rock is thrown through a window? Do you hate it all the same? We should! I wonder how we would react if all of us were there at the whipping and scourging of Jesus, and we heard and saw everything, and at the foot of the cross and we saw the body of Jesus pierced with nails. My hope is that we would be horrified at ourselves because we could see our sins being punished on his body. We could hear the cry of the God-Man altogether suffering emotionally and physically for us. I hope our hearts would be broken to the point of changing because of deep gratitude, because God chose to sacrifice his son and to pour out his wrath on Jesus instead of us. Putting your faith in this act of the living God and in the purpose he intended it for results in God's mercy and justification coming upon you, and your sins being forgiven. How fearful and terrible it will be for those people who reject God's gift of mercy and justification found in his son Jesus Christ. The living God must judge sin. How dangerous it is for us human beings to try and change the definitions of what is moral and immoral. How dangerous it is to approve of immorality. Woe to us if we call evil "good" and good "evil." How sad it is to be deceived in this generation. God is being very patient. He is waiting for you to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But there will come a time, and soon, where he will begin judging and he knows that that time will bring final verdict's upon souls. So I plead with you to come to Jesus today, right now, and receive the gift of salvation and the forgiveness of your sins through putting your faith in Jesus Christ and start reading the Bible.  If God removes his hand of protection upon a country, at this time specifically, I believe it is to help the people of that country who have a heart for God and Truth to see the urgency of the hour and to turn to God and ask him for his mercy on their life. It is a type of warning. In the Bible it says that God's wrath will be poured out upon the earth against all the evil and violence, and that his wrath will be poured out like in the frequency of contractions and the labor pains of a woman when she is about ready to give birth. We know that it gets more intense as time goes by. He warns that his wrath is coming and that it will be so severe like nothing anyone has ever seen before. And he does want people to be with him and safe from that. God has done what he could do to save us into a loving relationship with him. He poured out his severe wrath on his son. Why would we think God who was willing to sacrifice his own son for sinful humanity will not pour out his full wrath on the unrepentant and the earth when all are ripe for judgement? Are we in our right minds? Is not this earth and all that is happening in it evidence that it is almost time for God to judge it? Do you remember that God told his witnesses to share the Gospel and speak a blessing upon a city or town and if that city or town receive the Gospel that blessing would remain on them? Do you also remember that Jesus said if that city or town or house rejected the message of the Gospel and the blessing within it that they should wipe their feet completely of the dust of that city, town or house and there would be no blessing for them? Today is the day of salvation! If you hear his voice turn to him in humility and receive the forgiveness of your sins. The opportunity to receive Jesus will not always be there. I pray for you now, wherever you are, that the Holy Spirit will bless you with the faith to soften your heart and believe that Jesus is your loving Savior. Read the Bible and start in the Gospel of John. God bless you! I look forward to meeting you when we are in Christ and his heaven!

Evidence we are at the end. Look into the following: 

Alliances between Russia and Iran
The prophecy about Gaza
The rise of earthquakes, famines, and pestilence. 
The One World Government
The Mark of the Beast
The Blood Moon Tetrads landing on the Lord's Feast Days. 
The rise in persecution against Christ
The time clock Israel
The Rise of Anti-Semitism
The building of the Third Temple
The Feast Days of The Lord 
False Teachers
Mass Deception: "UFO" and "Aliens" are actually demons or fallen angels. 
Wars and rumors of wars
Rise of people group against people group

I trust in the LORD for protection. So why do you say to me, “Fly like a bird to the mountains for safety! The wicked are stringing their bows and fitting their arrows on the bowstrings. They shoot from the shadows at those whose hearts are right. The foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can the righteous do?” But the LORD is in his holy Temple; the LORD still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. The LORD examines both the righteous and the wicked. He hates those who love violence. He will rain down blazing coals and burning sulfur on the wicked, punishing them with scorching winds. For the righteous LORD loves justice. The virtuous will see his face. (Psalms 11:1-7 NLT)