Sunday, February 11, 2018

Claiming to See When Blind

 Dear Father God, there is so much of the truth of your word that we believe ( Mark 8:29) yet so much we do in life that is off ( Mark 8:16,32,33) We are partially blind and we are not seeing clearly (Mark 8:24). We are not believing rightly. You always raise the bar to the next level giving us the chance to understand you and deny ourselves…deny our own ways of doing things, and deny our depending on our own understanding (Mark 8: 34-38)

To enter into your life and way we must let go of everything. Do we believe that you will provide for us if we answer your call?  Heal our blindness Lord and the selfishness in our hearts that keeps us from doing your will and supporting your daily work by faith. Your gospel is the most important issue in this world today for the souls of man. May we live for your sake and be about the Gospel.

We ask this in Jesus name.

Mark 8