Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What Will Break Through?

"Fully conscious of his own lost estate, and of the deceitfulness and vileness of his nature, yet, by a glorious outburst of faith, he sings, "'nevertheless' I am continually with Christ." Psalms 73:23. NEVERTHELESS! Endeavor in like Spirit to say, "'nevertheless,' because since I belong to Christ I am continually with God." This really means that you are continually on HIS mind. Jesus is always thinking of you for your good. You are continually before his eye. He perpetually watches over your welfare. You are continually in His hand and nothing is able to pluck you from it. You are continually on Jesus' heart, worn there as a memorial! The depths of his love continually yearn towards you. Christ is always making providence work for your good. Christ has set you as a signet upon his arm; his love for you is stronger than death, many waters cannot quench it; neither can the floods drown it. Surprising Grace! Father God sees you in Christ, and though in yourself abhorred, God beholds you as wearing Christ's garments, and washed in his blood, and therefore you stand accepted in his presence. You are continually in his favor...continually with Christ. This is the calm without. In trusting this is comfort for the afflicted soul, vexed with the tempest within. LOOK AT THE CALM WITHOUT and say 'Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee.' Spurgeon 

We must pray for one another that we see this and believe this absolute truth about God. It is the real heart of God towards us in Christ. It is the real faith of the believer, given by God, to endure and overcome the hardships, failures, injustices, pains, and losses in life. Christ is our Life and Light who raises up the meek and humble; the contrite and broken. His desire is to raise us up into a confidence that we are not abandoned, nor condemned, nor rejected in all circumstances. Whether in our own struggle or in carrying the burdens of other's, trusting in the reality of Jesus' love for us and others is powerful to raise us up out of the darkest, most impossible circumstances, heart conditions, and human understandings. We are not to lean on our own understandings, but rather acknowledge and believe in Jesus' ways which will cause the light to break through the dark. Proverbs 3:5-10