We Love Because God First Loved Us!
....how can this be grasped?
It's critical for the mind and heart to understand why to put its trust in Jesus. The battles we fight are in our minds. And the well spring of life is in our hearts. Where are our hearts and minds? What are we believing? I pray that God breaks through any pride in us both the obvious and the not so obvious and all self-reliance and independence we lean on that keeps us from understanding the importance of putting our full trust and dependence in Jesus. Who is Jesus really vs. Who do you say Jesus is?
I hope you will come to realize who Jesus really is and believe in him.
Can you see a Daddy on his knees smiling and confident with all the adoration in his soul whispering to his child , "I believe in you!" ? And can you imagine at every opportunity that Dad shows up and supports and loves his child throughout their life. And can you imagine how that child's heart would bond with their Dad in those moments of time and influence them in everything they chose to do? A Father's love produces faith in his kids! If you decide to get to know Jesus you'll begin to know his Awesome Dad. When you read the Bible you start to see that Jesus' Dad showed up in his life every day, and it begins to make sense why Jesus did nothing but what his Dad wanted. He loved his Dad so much and his Dad loved him amazingly...profoundly. God the Father's love is so perfect through Jesus that it spills over into our life if we get to know Jesus (We do so by actually reading and hearing the Bible.) So much so that we start to say, " I believe in you Jesus!" Getting to know The Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit strengthens, restores, heals, and enriches, relationships because Their love is perfect toward us!! We are spiritual creations. We were made in the image of God and to have his Holy Spirit live inside us so it's no wonder that a father's love towards his children is important in our material and physical world as well? How does a father's love or lack of love towards his children ultimately influence a society, marriage, work ethic, leadership position, an ideology, a man made religion....anything? One big question: Could it be that the world is breaking down because we don't know the Triune Living God? And could it be that when someone has shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with you that your heart resists him? Why? He is the Answer. His ways and principles and methods have proven to be so good and successful when applied ...when "believed in." His ways are not at all found in human strength and effort. His love casts out all fear. His love cares about others and doesn't destroy in any way. His love protects the innocence of people. His love is selfless. How awesome is following Jesus truly when we are finally surrendered to him?? His love is so perfect that it even extends to the enemy and results in prayer toward those who persecute what is good. The truly sobering and kind of terrifying thing is that human beings can reject the love of God! When the very essence of Love is rejected that is when we begin to dissolve, implode, become hopeless, become self reliant, and we see all forms of rebellion and pride and evil. We see sin and it is free to grow outside of believing in Jesus.
This video demonstrates the truth found in the love of a Father for his child. It accurately reflects what God has done for us in sacrificing his own life so we can live. In our sinful state we are helpless, but he has loved us so profoundly that he causes us to love him so we can really live. Oh how I pray that we will really see that Jesus is our strength and hope. Our Salvation!
We Love Because God First Loved Us! That's in the Bible!