Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Long lasting and fulfilling relationships are built upon solid, eternal and effective characteristics and values that originate in the very heart that we are meant to beat in rhythm with. The effect of these characteristics and values on our lives is like the influence a lit candle would have in the center of an enclosed and dark stadium. They can be seen and identified by those in the dark, but only by those who are really looking. Those who are tired of living in the darkness recognize the contrast and will be attracted to this small but effective Light. They will focus and come along side it because there is an identifiable difference. The values and character that reflect this Light into dark places always point to its source. That source is Love:

Love is defined and experienced when these values and characteristics shine:


Love is the only one who can compel those in the dark to hunger for Truth and desire to completely surrender themselves into the Light.
Love is the only one who can establish and sustain real eternal life in those who choose to live in the Light.

As we willingly surrender our thoughts, emotions, opinions, capacities to understand, doubts and everything our physical bodies once craved in the dark to the Light of Truth we will start seeing and understanding with spiritual eyes what it means to really be alive.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

As we choose to live in the Light of Truth daily we also choose to actively pursue what's in the Light. We deliberatley forfeit sitting by the wayside, and with intent begin living a life that searches for and receives the Truth in all things. As a result, we receive and develop the same characteristics that are found in the One whose image we are meant to reflect. This pursuit means he will develop the capacity within our spirits, souls, and bodies to enjoy and experience the real and satisfying relationships we so long for with one another. Learning to relate in this Way is possible only when we as individuals step into a new and personal relationship with the one who lived in this Way toward us. With the one who can show us how. A refreshing and real daily experience with the one who called himself the Light will be the beginning of appreciation in our hearts and minds for one another.

Monday, September 12, 2005

To step into the Light means we have chosen to leave behind our old way of doing things in the dark forever. It means we have chosen to receive an eternity of undeserved blessing in the Light instead of an eternity of naturally deserved consequence in the dark. The Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Light are all one and the same, and as we daily humble ourselves before him our spirits, souls, and bodies will be changed by him: What was once in the dark is now in the Light...

What was once prideful is now humble

What was once in despair is now in hope.
What was once cursed is now blessed

What was once out of control is now in control.
What was once deceived is now in Truth

What was once insecure is now secure.
What was once guilty is now innocent

What was once worried is now at peace.
What was once in fear is now in love

What was once impatient can now wait.
What was once weak is now strong

What was once blind spiritually can now see spiritually.
What was once in self is now in service

What was once in doubt is now in faith.
What was once rejected is now accepted

What was once dead is now alive.

This is just the beginning and it is in this knowledge, new way of living, and new way of thinking that we can become truly content and thankful in hard and easy times. If we lose our homes, if we are hungry, if we are unappreciated, if we are sick, if we are ridiculed, or alone, and if we are rich, if we are healthy, if we are respected, if we are happy, if we are at peace, or have things we can remain in the Spirit of Thanks. Thankfullness does not depend on our circumstances, our feelings or the condition of our bodies. It depends on our deliberate awareness that we were once dead and in eternal darkness, but are now alive and will always live with new purpose in the Light.

This new spiritual life is in the one who provides, sustains, and remains faithful in all situations. If we make it a point to keep Truth at the forefront of our minds we will see everything around us in the new Light and our families, friendships, and other relationships will become more united because of it.