Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why is Jesus Christ the only way to heaven?

This question may be the most important of a lifetime. The answer is more simple then we think.

Let me first say that getting to heaven is not the ultimate purpose of our lives. The purpose of our lives, OUR - meaning all people everywhere, is to first come to know and put our complete trust in the saving work of Jesus Christ alone, who is God's one and only Son. Then it is to live life according to His will in a personal relationship with Him that is motivated by Love for Him.

The Bible states that it is impossible to please God without faith, and real faith requires that we depend on Jesus Christ 100% and believe all that the Bible speaks about Him....

... Jesus lived a life that was sinless. He did not sin even once. In thought he was perfect and in deed he was perfect. Therefore in His Father's Just eyes Jesus was the only one whose life could qualify as an atoning sacrifice for not only the sins you have committed but the sin that you are. God doesn't aim for perfection He demands it and the truth is that not one of us is perfect. We are all sinful by nature and therefore guilty of breaking God's law. God has said that the wages of sin is death. The only way to be - not guilty - before God on judgement day and to escape the verdict of eternal death is to do something right now: Accept God's choice provision for you that will make you live! God chose to save you even while your back has been turned against him because He is Loving and Merciful. He does not want you to spend eternity apart from Him. To put your trust in God the Father's ONE AND ONLY Son means that you are depending on Christ to save you from God's Justice. You are, by faith, depending on Christ's perfect life that you could never live to mke you perfect. God would not be Good or Just if he looked over your sin. But He is Good and Just so He never will. He will either look at you as righteous or wicked. If you have genuine faith in Christ your life will demonstrate that through repentance and God will see you as righteous. If you deny Christ your life will demonstrate that through unrepentance and he will see you as wicked.

Jesus is the only way to heaven because in God the Father's just eyes no man that has ever lived or will live is perfect except Him and no one can make you perfect except Christ.
And don't forget......Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive. Death could not contain Him because He is the spiritual LIFE we are desperately looking for and need. HE IS LIFE! Now we are souls living in temporary bodies and in a material world, but soon our souls will be in eternal bodies in the spiritual world. But not all of us will spend eternity in the same place. Please listen to the 6 audio clips on the sidebar to develop a correct understanding of what it means to have Faith in Jesus Christ.
God Bless You!
A side note,
We live in very dangerous and deceptive times! People are popping up who are misinterpreting the Word of God and teaching lies about Jesus Christ, and about what is and isn't sinful. The bible must be read and interpreted in context to itself. It must be accepted in whole not in part. It does not contradict itself and is very clear about who Jesus is, what sin is and what the consequence of sin will be. I'm asking you to be careful when listening to someone talk about what the bible is saying. Including myself. Why would you trust men over the actual book itself? If you do not read the bible yourself then I encourage you to start in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Spend time in the bible yourself and you will be surprised at how it encourages you. It is a living book that will open your eyes to what the truth is and reveal how incredibly awesome Jesus' Love is toward you. You do not need the book of Mormom, or the Catechism, or the Watch Tower Society newsletters to help you interpret the Word of God. You do not need anything other then a hunger for what is true, a desire to know God for who He really is and a little faith that the Bible really is God's message to you. You will not regret it.