Friday, July 04, 2014

Happy Fourth of July America….STOP! Come Back to Life Again!

If you look close enough each picture has the important item that possesses the meaning and purpose behind America….for all its past, present and future. The point is that we need to stop getting further away from them, but instead start getting closer and closer to them to really see and remember what we’re all about. To forget or ignore or redefine the values, laws, ways and history of what America was founded on means the ends of it as we know it. In reality, right now this country is very sick and dying right before our very eyes. We are celebrating today what America was. Are you celebrating what America is today? Because if it continues on this road, sooner now then later, the very way of life and freedoms we are all relatively enjoying will be gone…. What we choose to stand on at this very moment is so critically important. A moral people within a country makes an ALIVE country, and it’s the people within a country who fear (reverence) God that makes that country ALIVE. Why in apathy, indifference, unbelief, and hopelessness toward the very virtues and faith that have made America what it is, a blessing to all, should we continue to move ahead? Are we so dead as a whole that we don’t see where this is leading? In all humility and prayer, it is only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who can revive and make a nation ALIVE again. That can make a person ALIVE again. He is the only one who can make life come out of what is dead. Do you believe that? It’s obvious that America is going to have to die in one way or the other. So if it’s going to die, let’s plead to God that we die in the right way…in the way that will compel God to bring us back to life, and where we respect him at all levels within this country!

Do we love God more than our country? Do we love God more than our material possessions? Do we love God more than money? Do we love God more than our friends? Do we love God more than our families? Do we love God more than our very lives? Do we love God at all? Do we realize that it is through God that all these good things exist to begin with and can be blessed?

There’s nothing worse than acting like we are becoming something when we are actually becoming nothing.

I believe there are millions and millions in America who really care to make a real change. And there are millions upon millions in other countries hoping for the same real change in us. A real change that doesn’t destroy, but a change that will rather bring real life, and blessing to this country and the world as it has in the past.

Believe it or not, if we believe and proclaim the following for our personal souls and lives, and for our country we will begin to see a real change:

“From birth we were sinners and rebels born dead on this dangerous path -We have followed the ways of the devil; by nature we’re children of wrath – But God being rich in mercy has given us life from above – Sent Jesus to save the unworthy; the greatest expression of love. The Lord has provided atonement - Through faith in the Lamb we receive - And we cannot boast for one moment, it’s only by grace we believe – We’re seated in heavenly places – United with Jesus our King – God’s kindness in all coming ages will cause us to worship and sing – The Gospel of Grace we proclaim - We now live to spread Jesus’ name – We labor.... for God has ordained it – Good works for the sake of His name – The same grace that saved us will keep us – Take us to our heavenly home – To gaze on the beauty of Jesus – To God be the Glory alone – To God be the Glory alone.” Shai Linne – To the Praise of His Grace

Let’s read our Bibles and do what it says….BECAUSE THAT….. will bring an everlasting change of blessing.

John 14:21-24
“Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them. All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them. Anyone who doesn’t love me will not obey me. And remember, my words are not my own. What I am telling you is from the Father who sent me.” Jesus Christ