- Scientists, spend hours and millions of dollars on research to see if there is life anywhere else in the universe....giant satellites, NASA, Vatican, Governments etc.
- Why do research scientists looking for E.T. totally ignore the greatest time in history when an Extraterrestrial spoke to 3 million people all at once who were all witnesses to the event on Mt. Sinai. The event was recorded and is a major historic event. This heavenly Being arrived on our planet on Mt. Sinai and gave a book written with all His insights on how to help humankind.
- God knows that we are creatures who always look for signs. So he uses many ways to get our attention, but the problem is we don't know how to read the sign that he send us.
- Sometimes it is hard to grasp the whole because our perspectives are skewed.
- To understand prophecy, you don't want to start in Revelation, but Genesis. There are more then 300 references in the book of Revelation to the Tanakh or Old Testament. If you throw out the Old Testament you've thrown out your reference manual to Revelation. Proverbs 25:2
- One item that has been restored after nearly 2,000 years is the Hebrew language. The resurgence occurred in a major way in the beginning of the 1900's.
- The return of the Hebrew language is a sign of the times. Zephaniah 3:8-9
- The Creator of the universe likes to play hide and seek, and God only reveals himself to those who go on the hunt for Him. Anyone can say they love God while they pursue their own self-centered interests, but God will only reveal Himself to those who pursue Him. And even then it can be halfhearted pursuit.
- There are divine appointments, and scheduled ones in the Word of God. The Creator of the Universe wants to interact with humanity at set times. He has an appointment book, per say, where he has scheduled and keeps track of his interaction /intersection with humanity.
- Having a Hebrew mind-set and basic understanding of the Hebrew language when reading the Bible helps one understand these appointments.
- The Feasts of the Lord are the divine appointments. They are his predetermined appointments that have already intersected and will intersect human history.
- God created the sun and the moon not only to send signals, but also to determine His feast days, or appointed times. This is why the sun and moon operate like clockwork.
If we want to know where we are in history according to God's time clock, then we need to go by God's clock, not ours.
- When God is about to be up to something big, He will send us signals via the sun and the moon on His feast days.
- If you have entered the covenant of God's family, then you are supposed to know the family's signals.
- The feasts of the Lord were and are to be dress rehearsals of coming events.
- Here is a test. Regarding God's first coming, if God fulfilled the Spring Feasts literally through Jesus Christ to the very day and hour, do you believe that He will fulfill the fall feasts through Christ on the very days and hours of His second coming? Do you believe with all your heart, soul, mind and strength that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, with no shadow of turning?
- It's imperative that the Children of God get on God's calendar.
- The spring feasts were fulfilled in order: Jesus died on Passover, was buried during Unleavened Bread, was resurrected during Firstfruits, and the Spirit was poured out on Shavuot/Pentacost, bringing in the great harvest. Similarly, the fall feasts have to be fulfilled to the very days and in order.
- The biblical calendar is one of the tools you need to properly understand in order to know what is quickly coming upon the world.
- God always warns before He brings judgement. In God's mercy, He is sending big time warnings from His heavenly billboards. People can choose to ignore them at their own peril, be indifferent and ride out the storm, or come to the dress rehearsals and be ready.
- When Paul said, "at the last trump," he was referring to the hundredth blast on the Feast of Trumpets. (1 Cor 15:51-53)
- The Lord will come as a thief not only to the dead church, but also to the wealthy, blind, lukewarm church.
- Do you go to a dead, lukewarm church that believes the Lord will come as a thief in the night to them?
- The Church can wake up and watch at the appointed times..
- The Bible says, " no one knows the day or the hour," but most don't understand this verse in its true context and in context to who Jesus was addressing. Read Matt 25:8-13. It is to the foolish virgins that the bridegroom says, "I know you not," because they were not watching. Luke 12:37, shows that those who watch for the Lord's coming will be blessed. Luke 12:42-46 reveals that the evil servants are also those who the Lord's coming will be like a thief in the night. Not as a thief to those who are watching.
- Jesus rebuked religious leaders because they were not watching and did not know the hour of his coming. Matt 16:3
- When the Bible mentions seasons, it is not talking about winter and summer but the appointed times. 1Thess 5:1-4 reveals the importance of being on God's calendar.
- Because a person knows the appointed times the Day of the Lord will not come to them as a thief in the night because they know when to be watching! God encourages us not to set dates but to know the season or appointed time of His coming.
- Since the days of the early church, the church has been presenting to the Jew a "Jesus" in Egyptian clothes! Jesus is seen as a white sometimes blond European. But this is far from His own roots. Jesus' real name is Yeshua.
- The Church needs to return Yeshua to His own family.
- It will come as a surprise when the church realizes Yeshua is still Jewish.
- In AD 321, Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, to the exclusion of all other religions. It signaled the beginning of discrimination and persecution of the Jewish people.
- The church went grievously wrong and got off the biblical calendar by doing what their human reason approved and by following what the majority ruled at the Council of Nicea in AD 325 by Constantine. In the 4th century, the "church" told the Jewish people they could no longer determine the new moon or the biblical calendar, on pain of death.
- Saint Jerome (AD 347-407) described the Jews as " serpents, wearing the image of Judas, their psalms and prayers are the braying of donkeys."
- Bishop of Antioch and John Chrysostom wrote a series of 8 sermons against the Jews
- King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella signed the Alhambra Decree that declared all Jews had to leave Spain in 1492. Spanish Inquisition. Was Christopher Columbus Jewish? Jews that would not convert to Catholicism would be put to death during the Inquisition. Martin Luther reformed and reached out to the Jews hoping they would accept his theology, but when they rejected it he wrote an exhaustive essay about his hatred for the Jew, called On the Jew and Their Lives (1543).
-The Bible warns Christians about not being pretentious and thinking they are better the branches in Romans 18:11-21. It's because of the Jews unbelief that we Gentiles have been granted mercy. And when the gentile begins to show Jews mercy, they will believe.
- Should we go by what the majority says, or what God says? Do we do what seems reasonable to us, or to God?
- Moses was more concerned about God's reputation than his own. Num 14:17-21
- The "church" needs to realize that the fathers of the Christian Faith are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
- Historical events line up with the Torah reading of the week.Getting on God's calendar is like an alignment you may get at the chiropractor. Everything begins to fall into place.
- You don't know what you don't know.
- If you come in agreement with the calendar God uses, you will become exceedingly close to the Lord in your walk with Him. Deut 6:5
- Most denominations never hold a memorial Passover to remember the Lord' s death as He commanded in 1 Cor 11:26. Jesus died on Nisan 14, Passover, not Good Friday. Jesus rose on Feast of First Fruits not on Easter etc.
- Because the biblical calendar is rejected, look what happens in 2016. Easter Sunday falls on March 27, so Christians will be celebrating the resurrection a month before Passover, the date that Christ died, which won't come until a month later, on April 21. Because of this, Christians are not able to connect the signs coming from the heavens when they fall on Passover.
- The Jewish calendar is based on three heavenly events: the rotation of the earth makes one day, the rotation of the Mormon around the earth makes a month, and the rotation of the earth around the sun makes a year. The Gregorian calendar on follows the first and the third events.
- 29.5 days for the moon to go around earth , 365.25 days for earth to go around sun. The Jewish calendar handles the fractions by using either 29 or 30 day months and either 12 or 13 month years.
- Scientifically, you can only have a solar eclipse at a new moon or the first day of a biblical month. You can only have a total lunar eclipse at a full moon on the 15th day of a biblical month. This is why God scheduled some of his divine appointments or feast days at those times. Rose Hashanah is the first day of the seventh month. And both Passover ( the Feast of Unleavened Bread), and the Feast of Tabernacles are on the 15th of the biblical month.
-Solar and lunar eclipses are regular occurrences but when they fall on feast days, we should pay attention, because God is trying to tell us something.
- Four total lunar eclipses in a row are not as common as one would believe. It is called a tetras. There were 62 tetras over the last 2,000 years. Of these, only eight fell on feast days, with the ninth coming in 2014-2015.
- Nine, symbolizes the number of finality or judgement. It signals the end, it signals the conclusion of a matter. It signifies the end of man.
In 842-843 AD, two tetras occurred on feast days. At this time, The Treaty of Verdun was signed to end the Carolinigian civil war and divide the Carolinigian Empire into three kingdoms: West Francia, Middle Francia, and East Francia. the Carolinigians were intolerant to their Jewish subjects, the the division of the empire adversely affected all the Jews in the realm.
- Between 1400 and 1500, there were four tetras, two of which fell on the feast days. 1428-29 and 1493-94. In 1428, an assembly of Jews in Italy met in Florence to gather funds to give to Pope Martin V in return for his protection. In 1492, when Columbus sailed the ocean, Kinf Ferdinand and Queen Isabella signed an edict to expel Jews from Spain.
- Between 1900-2000, there were five tetras, but only two occurred on feast days-1949-50 and 1967-68. These were epic years for the Jewish people with major prophetic implications. In 1948, Israel became a nation, and then in 1967, the Israelites recapture Jerusalem. Not only do we have four blood moons in a row, with all four of them falling on feast days, but they also happened at a time when historic prophecies were fulfilled!
- In this century, eight tetrads will occur, but the only time they will fall on the feast days is in 2014 and 2015.
- The generation from 2002 to 2056 will be the generation where the month of Tishri will be fulfilled! The fall feasts and the return of the Messiah will happen in this generation!
- In 2015 we have a total solar eclipse is on March 20 followed by a partial solar clips on September 13.
- The total solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 is on Nisan 1; The very beginning of the religious here in the very day the fire fell from heaven and let the altar at the dedication of Moses his tabernacle.
- There will be a partial solar eclipse on September 13, 2015 which is on Rosh Hashanah. After that, just two weeks later, there will be a total lunar eclipse on Sukkot.
- The odds of a full moon or about 1 in 29. The odds of a lunar eclipse are about 1 in 110. The odds of a super moon occurrence are about 1 in 6,570. The odds of a super moon during a lunar eclipse are astronomical. What are the odds of having a super blood moon falling on the Feast of Tabernacle's in 2015! This is not a coincidence!
- Can you imagine what it will be like for the Jewish people in Israel sitting in their soup is on the first night of the feast of Tabernacle's and there is this stupid blood moon overhead? Don't you think God is trying to speak to us? This is equivalent to a prophetic grand slam homerun. The heavens are shouting, "Hello! Is anybody paying attention?"
- The four blood moons of 1949–50 occurred after Israel became a nation in 1948. The Six-Day War of 1967 did not happen on the day of one of the eclipse either. The eclipses coming in 2014 and 2015 are signs in themselves, as they occur on the feast days. If nothing noteworthy happens in 2014 or 2015, it just means these are signs of things to come.
- There is no doubt that different biblical prophetic events will happen on these very feast days in the fall. They are days that events will happen, but this is not setting dates, because we have no idea what year!
- When a house is on fire, you have people running out and others running in. It depends on what you believe you're calling is. Many people speculate on where we are regarding the timing of the rapture. It doesn't matter. Because we are not afraid.
- too many Christians waste so much time trying to determine when the rapture is going to take place to get absolutely nothing done for the kingdom. There are no extra points for being right. If you are wrong, it doesn't mean you raise from the dead. We should rather be wrong and ready and white here. God does not care about personal views of the rapture. He only cares if we are doing what you told us to do. Which is share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- In all of this we are speaking about coming judgment.
- On September 17, 2001, or Elul 29, the day before Rosh Hashanah, the Dow Jones average saw its biggest drop ever at 7%. Seven years later on September 28, 2008 which was again Elul 29, the day before Rosh Hashanah, The Dow bill 777 points, or another 7%! Do you see any connections here? Now we are coming up to the third and final shemittah year (7th year of a 7 year cycle) since 1994, when Jupiter was hammered. Could the coming blood moons signal our third strike, and we will be out economically? We already see the signs of economic collapse coming, with America being so much in debt and our government in a comatose condition.
- The Bible says that in the last days, knowledge will be increased Daniel 12:4. This is not only secular knowledge but biblical insight as well.
- All these signs coming together at one time, are potentially the culminating signals that God is closing this chapter of human history. This could be the final curtain call for the great tribulation mentioned in the Bible. God has always wanted to warn his people, and the rest of the world, before he intervenes.
- In Leviticus 23:3, Moses proclaimed, "Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, "the feast of the Lord, which you shall proclaim, holy convocation, even these are my appointed feasts." According to Strong's Concordance, the Hebrew word for "proclaim" gives the idea of accosting a person met: calling out to, addressing by name, them that are bidden, or to invite, mention, publish, or read. This tells us that we are responsible to proclaim the Feasts of the Lord to others. We are to bid them to come to the wedding! It's hard to imagine, but there are people who do not want to come to the wedding of the Messiah! We are responsible to bid them to come.
- In Matthew 22:2-4 it says, "A certain King, which made a marriage for his son, sent forth his servants to call them that we're bidden to the wedding; and they would not come. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, tell them which are bidder, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready:come unto the marriage." What is unbelievable is what happens next: they made light of it and went their ways one to his farm another to his merchandise!
- The creator of the universe is calling you by name to come to the great supper!
- God is writing his message this time so the whole world can see it. He is asking you to run with the interpretation of his message. But we must run with understanding. The great tribulation may be upon us and time is short, for The Day of the Lord is at hand!
- The two main things to remember are: 1.) That the body of Messiah needs to get on God's calendar to understand the signs of the times. And 2.) The reason we got off of God's calendar in the first place was because of the errant thinking behind replacement theology.
- Ruth and Orpah represent the Gentiles who are grafted into the covenant of Israel by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So Ruth and Orpah, in one sense, also represent the "Church" that is grafted into the branch. When Naomi, the Jewess, Heard there was bread again in Bethlehem, she went, back to the land of Israel. This represents the restoration of Israel back to the land in 1948. Ruth and Orpah represent the church in the final days. Orpah means, "the back of the neck"; she turned her back on Israel and return to pagan lifestyle.
- Today we have the final epic battle lines being drawn in the church in these last days. The church will be divided between those who support Israel, work the harvest, and bring forth the Messiah, and those who turn their backs on Israel and form the one-world church. On one side will be those who love the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as David did, and this group will be small, as David was. On the other side will be the giant Goliath, The one-world church that hates God's people and wants to see them destroyed. Where will you be standing on that final day? When you say we should stand with the Jewish people, doesn't abnormal anger and hatred spew from their mouths? Do they allow the traditions of men to override the internal truth of God's word?
- People don't know what they don't know! If pastors were never taught, how can we expect them to teach it? Some get mad or frustrated because they spent thousands of dollars on religious education only to find out they were given wrong or inaccurate information. When studying Christianity's Jewish roots many people's eyes become open and statements such as "I've been robbed" or "why wasn't I ever taught this?" occurs. Many people get mad at their pastors for not teaching, but we cannot be held responsible because they were never taught the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.