Saturday, June 13, 2015

Look Not to Yourself...Look to Jesus Christ

One's own pride and rich arrogance in self and spirit glides them comfortably into hell, yet the other's broken and poor position in Christ and Spirit ushers them into eternal life in paradise. 

If you are struggling and have no freedom, if you are lonely and have no companionship, if you are afraid and have no confidence, if you are weak and have no strength then LOOK NOT TO YOURSELF. If you are angry and have no peace, if you are depressed and have no joy, if you are selfish and have no compassion, if you are sick and have no healing then LOOK NOT TO YOURSELF. In yourself there is no hope nor power to change, in your self there is no emotion nor faith that can turn you around. But if you are WILLING, you can receive freely the ONE who has everything you need to live forever in freedom, companionship, confidence, strength, peace, joy, compassion, and healing. The ONE who is Love is behind you. Turn around from your selfish ways and receive Jesus Christ as your very Life. His work for you is the only work God will accept as righteous and worthy. Jesus gave his life for yours before you really knew it so that when you learned about his work for you on the cross and resurrection you would come to him in humility, brokenness, and a realization and acceptance that you have nothing to offer him that could ever make you right, but that Jesus himself has the very Faith, Hope and Love you need to be made whole. To be finally fulfilled and complete is only possible when you freely receive Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God as your personal Lord and Savior. He is the only one who has the power to wipe away the stains of your sin on the day your sins are judged, and mediate for you before a Perfect and Just God. 

...that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, BECOMING LIKE HIM IN HIS DEATH, THAT BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE, I may attain the resurrection from the dead. (Philippians 3:10-11)

...Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I PRESS ON TO MAKE IT MY OWN, BECAUSE CHRIST JESUS HAS MADE ME HIS OWN. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: FORGETTING WHAT LIES BEHIND and STRAINING FORWARD TO WHAT LIES AHEAD, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:12-14)

Monday, June 08, 2015

Prayer for Renewal and a Conforming to Christ

Dear Mighty and Steady God, you are unchanging and command us to conform to your son Jesus Christ. Romans 8:29 says, " For those whom you foreknew you also predestined to be conformed to the image of your son..." We pray that you would change our hearts and minds to wash us and clean us into a new walk, a new journey of being conformed to your Son through your powerful Word. Lead us by your Holy Spirit. All our idols and possessions we lay down at your altar of love. 

Sunday, June 07, 2015

The Power of God is Unleashed When His Word is Read and Acknowledged as True

People everywhere need to be filled and restored by the Living Word of God. The Holy Bible read and trusted in and believed in and performed will change things quickly worldwide as well as in the souls of man.  Jesus can do the impossible we have a hard time believing in when we look into the Words of God. Proclaim the Word in love to yourself and to those around you!!! There is power in Jesus Christ the Creator of Heaven and Earth; The Creator of the Human Soul and Spirit and Body. 

Christ Governance vs. Self Governance

I've been in John 6 this morning and the Lord has made a distinction between Christ Governance vs. Self Governance. We are to be Christ Governed letting the Word guide our every choice. John 6:63. We must turn from our self and all sin, and be careful not to be offended at the complete ruling of Christ over our will. John 6:53-58. My flesh fights against this reality, but by God's grace and Spirit I am accepting it for a powerful change in my life. Honestly, do we want anything of the self to rule our choices when God's promise to heal and restore is dependent upon the whole of John 6. I am meditating and praying about this today.

Achieving the "Impossible"

John 6:6- Jesus does what we consider impossible and what we do not consider... Jesus wants us to consider his methods and just trust in him to get the job done. Jesus wants me to believe in him not the miracle. He is the source of overflowing grace and love and provision in our lives as seen John 6:12

John 6:15- People don't have in mind the things of God nor the timing he has for things.

Get on the Lords time clock in the Lord's will and you will see and live a new and peaceful life. His way and time are perfect. We live out of sync with the God and therefore wrestle with impatience and unbelief. Get on his track and have an exciting, fruitful, and edifying life. Wait for the Lord and receive the transformed life!

John 6:16-21- Jesus knows how hard I've been working and for how long. He knows when to come to me to free me from the toil, and get me to where I'm supposed to be. To show me that all that is needed is his presence and work. He will get me to where I need to be. He has the power to make things immediately at His right time. 

John 6:22-29- Experiencing Jesus makes you want and crave him more. You desire to seek him with all your heart. You want to be where Jesus is when he is not with you, because you know he can give you something you "want and need." But Jesus is greater than the "want and need" we think we have. He is the very substance of what makes us exist forever. He wants us to "see" in Spirit and Truth. He wants us to know what eternal life really is!

John 6:30-40- My true need is to see and believe that Jesus is my full sustenance for life in every circumstance I go through. He is my portion to be satisfied with because he can completely satisfy. Psalms 16:5-11 reveals this reality! People want their needs met in ways they can understand, but Jesus meets are real need in ways we cannot grasp. Therefore, I must trust him at his word. He is the Bread of Life, literally, the sustenance that makes life keep going in my soul. I must do John 6:53-58, which means I must read and believe in the Bible and let the work of the Bible change me into being like Jesus. But my flesh fights against this truth and reality of Jesus' command upon me. My human mind and heart does not want to trust and rest in the truth of what Jesus can do in my heart. But his Holy Spirit says he can. So by the Spirit's strength (Romans 8) and by trusting in the Word of God I trust and rest! And ask God the father to draw me closer to eat of the bread that comes down from heaven so that I may live and have a ternal life as seen in John 6:47

Philippians 3:12/Psalms/2nd Samuel/1st Corinthians/James 1:19 -25/Isaiah 40:31/Isaiah 41:10/Isaiah 53:12/James 4:7-8/Exodus 2:23-25/Luke 11:36/Ephesians 5:18/1st Thessalonians 5:19

How can anyone consistently do the impossible? The answer is John chapter 6 in its entirety....daily and consistently.