Saturday, July 04, 2015

Wisdom Has Its Way

Getting wisdom, insight and instruction leads to a life that is not hampered and where there is no stumbling, because the wisdom keeps you from stepping onto the path of the wicked and of evil. Wisdom avoids evil and does not go near it. Insight and instruction turns one away from wicked ways. The wise don't even go on an evil path and they can sleep well at night as a result. The wise are healed in all their flesh because their heart has not been influenced by violence, or depraved thinking. Wisdom makes the difference. Wisdom loves doing and acting out what is true. Wisdom protects the heart with all vigilance, because from it flows the springs of life. It does not speak crookedly. It looks straight ahead and it does not look to the right or the left. It looks straightforward and knows where it is going. To be wise means you are attentive to God's Word, and you turn your ears to it.  The wise do what the Word of God says and they do not neglect it.  How easy it is to ignore the Word of God. Dear Jesus we ask that you would help us be saturated by your word, and that you would grant us wisdom, insight and instruction according to Proverbs 4. Thank you. Please revive and restore all those who have found or are finding that a life separate and disconnected from your influence is fleeting. Be gracious by sending your Holy Spirit of conviction so we know  what path to avoid and pass by. Please give all who desire your clarity to hear your voice, and touch the hearts that earnestly desire to obey your teaching.