The Mass Event is centered around scripture
There are 13 dimensions
Time and space is now ---- Eternity is later
Holy Spirit will give supernatural ability to overcome
1st Babylon = Tower of Babel = Instrument of Technology = "God Gate" = Technological Stargate = Satanic
Genetic DNA will be judged because fallen angels mixed with human DNA - Mass Deception is all about Reproduction = Be Fruitful and Multiply = The return of the Nephilim = Satan breeding a master race to bring about the Anti-Christ
In the Jewish Race there is something of God, and Luciferians understand this.
Agape Love = Spirit of Christ
The human flesh does not love someone....only through Jesus and the Holy Spirit can we love
Jesus was a Jew
A contract from God was given to Abraham and it is everlasting
It's not inherrent salvation it is Salvation through what God has given us through grace
How can God be finished with Jews if he is returning to Israel?
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
There is a falling away from the truth of God's word
The restrainer is the Holy Spirit
What opens people up to being deceived and NOT receiving the truth? Renouncing Christ as Savior allows someone to get the mark of the beast..... Fallen Angels used technology.....Under scientific dictatorship humans will learn to love their servitude....this will come through drugs, breaking down, family problems, sexuality, hardcore militiristic forces etc
There will be psychotronic weaponry
TV frequency is 10Hz of ENF wave which accelerates learning but decreases critical thinking
Flouride in water is a tranquilizer...Hitler used it. It's found in candy more and more.
Under the annointing of the Holy Spirit David Slayed Goliath = Super Natural power of God
Effective Christianity is filled by Christ's Holy Spirit. You can not do Christianity with out the Holy Spirit.
Who is a man of God? Who allows the habitation of God to rule his life? He is imperfect but believes in God's forgiveness to rule his life.
There is a desperate longing for men of God to be controlled by the Holy Spirit and to stand up against the Goliath of today.
Cry out to God....REPENT...It matters
We need a Super Natural deliverance of the Church. Not just in America but the world Wide Church
There is URGENCY- CRY OUT- REPENT! We have rejected your Word God. Pray always- Contend for America.
The Bride of Christ is a mighty army number
Do business...Kingdom Business John 3:16
Occupy until Christ returns...remember David and Goliath = He confronted the demonic = He showed up on the playing field with a Spirit of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND
Friday, August 15, 2014
NOTES: The Quest For Eden - Stan Deyo
2035 BC- Date of Flood
Genesis 2:8-14 contain clues toward Eden
Gahn = "Garden" in Hebrew -----> "Gahn Aden" - 102 Square Miles
Eastward- Direction that the Sun Rises
Euphrates Clues = Genesis 15:18, Deuteronomy 1:7, 11:24, Joshua 1:4
Onyx, Myrrh, Gold,
Hivalah = Genesis 10:22-30
Mountain of God
NgoroNgoro + Two Crater Lakes = possible location of Garden of Eden
lake Magadi, Munge River, Layani River
Old Duvai Gorge
Flora and Fauna
Out of Africa Movie showed NgoroNgoro
NgoroNgoro is known as "Africa's Eden" and 8th Wonder of the World- Maybe it is the Area of the real Eden?
Genesis 2:8-14 contain clues toward Eden
Gahn = "Garden" in Hebrew -----> "Gahn Aden" - 102 Square Miles
Eastward- Direction that the Sun Rises
Euphrates Clues = Genesis 15:18, Deuteronomy 1:7, 11:24, Joshua 1:4
Onyx, Myrrh, Gold,
Hivalah = Genesis 10:22-30
Mountain of God
NgoroNgoro + Two Crater Lakes = possible location of Garden of Eden
lake Magadi, Munge River, Layani River
Old Duvai Gorge
Flora and Fauna
Out of Africa Movie showed NgoroNgoro
NgoroNgoro is known as "Africa's Eden" and 8th Wonder of the World- Maybe it is the Area of the real Eden?
Thursday, August 14, 2014
NOTES: Satanic Ritual Abuse: Infiltrating the Church - Russ Dizdar
Spiritual Authority does not impact humans, but it does impact demons
Satanic Ritual Abuse - (SRA) has been assigned to churches and military since 1970's
Every City since the 1950's has victims of SRA
Ezekial 8
SRA has decades of preparation = 100,000,000 of SRA programmed in the world today
Hemmler and Hitler's = Master Race = Nephilim = Transmuted Race = Satanic
SRA is assigned to test the power of a Church in order to ruin it
SRA is overcome by the Authority of Christ
Generations of SRA Programmed
1st generation = 46-60 years old
2nd Generation = 35-45 years old
3rd generation = 17-27 years old
4th Generation = 5-12 years old
SPHAZO = to slay or to slaughter
1 Corinthians 2:11 - No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit.
Colossians 4:2 - Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
Ephesians 6:10-20 - A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike. I am in chains now, still preaching this message as God’s ambassador. So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.
Luke 10
James 1
Satanic Ritual Abuse - (SRA) has been assigned to churches and military since 1970's
Every City since the 1950's has victims of SRA
Ezekial 8
SRA has decades of preparation = 100,000,000 of SRA programmed in the world today
Hemmler and Hitler's = Master Race = Nephilim = Transmuted Race = Satanic
SRA is assigned to test the power of a Church in order to ruin it
SRA is overcome by the Authority of Christ
Generations of SRA Programmed
1st generation = 46-60 years old
2nd Generation = 35-45 years old
3rd generation = 17-27 years old
4th Generation = 5-12 years old
SPHAZO = to slay or to slaughter
1 Corinthians 2:11 - No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit.
Colossians 4:2 - Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
Ephesians 6:10-20 - A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike. I am in chains now, still preaching this message as God’s ambassador. So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.
Luke 10
James 1
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
NOTES: The Pope's Final Push for One World Religion - Bill Koenig
There is a final day push for "Unity"
" The Armageddon Lobby" is the name that Replacement Theologists call people who believe Israel should not leave their land.
65% of Protestants and Catholics have no understanding of the significance of the State of Israel in Bible Prophecy
The "Peace Process" has empowered the enemy
We must read the Bible....The Bible is not is literal!
World Council of Churches has Anti Semitic roots - calls for boycotts against Israel
Stephen Sizer, Colin Chapman -"Christ at the Check Point", Bill Hybel, Toni Compello...against Israel
Vatican rejects the "Chosen People" claim and calls on Israel to end "occupation"
National Council of Churches has no mention of Hamas being a terrorist organization
Pope Francis and God's covenant land:
Father Bergolio states that Pope Francis loves Israel - Loves Jewish People - Views them as Chosen People -Views Christians as being grafted in - but when the Pope visits Jordan and Bethlehem he calls for a "Palestinian State". Pope Francis is influenced by Pro Palestinian Catholics - Pope Francis has referred to a "State of Palestine" when he visited Amman, Bethlehem, Jerusalem. He favors a Palestinian State. Pope Francis called for a prayer event with President Peres and President Abbas at the Vatican which was the first time in history. Muslims were praying to Allah in the Vatican. Pope Francis believes that Allah is the same God as Christians and supports Arab narrative. Giullio Meotti - Francis is found in pictures that state "Free Palestine" - He walked among terrorists and didn't refute terrorists who make statements such as "The hour of resurrection will not come until you fight the Jews" - Pope Francis does not acknowledge Israel as a Jewish State, and the Dome of Rock reminds him of the three great Faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Francis believes the Holy land is the birth of the three great faiths -
On Sunday June 8th, 2014- Muslim prayers were at the Vatican reciting innvocations for peace- This was on Pentacost.
Pope Francis is very interested in unity.
Bishop Tony Palmer is the point man of Pope Francis and states that the "Protestant Era is over and it is time for "UNITY" among all denomination with the Catholic Church." - = Ken Copeland = Visible Unity of Christians Covenant with Pope Francis. According to Palmer, since 1999 "The Luther Protest" has been over and we are "Post Protestant." There is Joint Declaration of the Doctrine of Justification. Unification of Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis addresses Kenneth Copeland, James Robison. Bishop Tony Palmer died on July 20, 2014 in a motorcycle accident. Shock waves crossed all those promoting unity to the Roman Catholic Church. Tony Palmer was the point man and energy behind the unity push.
We live in a time where we will hear for calls of unity.
Rick Warren = Why can't we get along based on the common good?
There will be false prophets, teachers and movements.
The unity movement will be at the expense of Israel. There will be calls for unity among Christians Jews and Muslims which is not a surprise. There will be a False Prophet who eventually will cause all small and great to worship the image of the beast.
Unity is the sign and characteristic of leaders of the world
We need to get things right in our own personal lives - Witness - Be Ready
God is allowing things to happen because he is concerned about souls. There will be chaos because the world wants to call evil "good" and good "evil". God will not allow this to happen.
75% of Americans support Israel
" The Armageddon Lobby" is the name that Replacement Theologists call people who believe Israel should not leave their land.
65% of Protestants and Catholics have no understanding of the significance of the State of Israel in Bible Prophecy
The "Peace Process" has empowered the enemy
We must read the Bible....The Bible is not is literal!
World Council of Churches has Anti Semitic roots - calls for boycotts against Israel
Stephen Sizer, Colin Chapman -"Christ at the Check Point", Bill Hybel, Toni Compello...against Israel
Vatican rejects the "Chosen People" claim and calls on Israel to end "occupation"
National Council of Churches has no mention of Hamas being a terrorist organization
Pope Francis and God's covenant land:
Father Bergolio states that Pope Francis loves Israel - Loves Jewish People - Views them as Chosen People -Views Christians as being grafted in - but when the Pope visits Jordan and Bethlehem he calls for a "Palestinian State". Pope Francis is influenced by Pro Palestinian Catholics - Pope Francis has referred to a "State of Palestine" when he visited Amman, Bethlehem, Jerusalem. He favors a Palestinian State. Pope Francis called for a prayer event with President Peres and President Abbas at the Vatican which was the first time in history. Muslims were praying to Allah in the Vatican. Pope Francis believes that Allah is the same God as Christians and supports Arab narrative. Giullio Meotti - Francis is found in pictures that state "Free Palestine" - He walked among terrorists and didn't refute terrorists who make statements such as "The hour of resurrection will not come until you fight the Jews" - Pope Francis does not acknowledge Israel as a Jewish State, and the Dome of Rock reminds him of the three great Faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Francis believes the Holy land is the birth of the three great faiths -
On Sunday June 8th, 2014- Muslim prayers were at the Vatican reciting innvocations for peace- This was on Pentacost.
Pope Francis is very interested in unity.
Bishop Tony Palmer is the point man of Pope Francis and states that the "Protestant Era is over and it is time for "UNITY" among all denomination with the Catholic Church." - = Ken Copeland = Visible Unity of Christians Covenant with Pope Francis. According to Palmer, since 1999 "The Luther Protest" has been over and we are "Post Protestant." There is Joint Declaration of the Doctrine of Justification. Unification of Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis addresses Kenneth Copeland, James Robison. Bishop Tony Palmer died on July 20, 2014 in a motorcycle accident. Shock waves crossed all those promoting unity to the Roman Catholic Church. Tony Palmer was the point man and energy behind the unity push.
We live in a time where we will hear for calls of unity.
Rick Warren = Why can't we get along based on the common good?
There will be false prophets, teachers and movements.
The unity movement will be at the expense of Israel. There will be calls for unity among Christians Jews and Muslims which is not a surprise. There will be a False Prophet who eventually will cause all small and great to worship the image of the beast.
Unity is the sign and characteristic of leaders of the world
We need to get things right in our own personal lives - Witness - Be Ready
God is allowing things to happen because he is concerned about souls. There will be chaos because the world wants to call evil "good" and good "evil". God will not allow this to happen.
75% of Americans support Israel
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
NOTES: What is a Giant? The Biblical Footprints of the Nephilim - Gary Stearman
Genesis 6:1-4
Increasing Corruption on Earth : When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
Who were the Giants? Offspring of Fallen Angels and Human Women
Fallen Angel view NOT Sethite View.
They were here before and after the flood.
Nephilim = To Fall = The Fallen Ones = Genetic Corruption:
- Anakim = Long Neck Terrors
- Emim = Terrors
- Rephaim = The Weakened Ones - No resurrection - Sons of the Giant
- Zanzumim = Noisy ones
- Zuzim = Commotions
Deuteronomy 2:10, 11, 20
Deuteronomy 3:11,13
Job 26:5-6
Isaiah 14:9, 26:14
Genesis 15:20
Genesis 14:5
Jude 1:14-15
Numbers 13:33
- "Big Foot, Sasquatch" --> Could be the remaining Rephaim on the earth --> Giant Hairy Bipeds "GHB" - Seen thousands of times and never caught
- UFO = Powers of the Air
Daniel 11:39 = "They" and "Them" = Return of Rephaim
Revelation 9:2 = Back from the pit = Corrupt humanity
Revelation 9:10 = Apollyon = Abaddon = Destruction = Apollo Son of Zeus
Luke 17:27 = "Marrying and giving in marriage" is not the same marriage of today = In Noah's day it was Fallen Angels with beautiful women = Corrupt
Monday, August 11, 2014
NOTES: Why Study Bible Prophecy - Billy Crone
American Church has no clue why to study Prophecy...Why? Because pastors are not teaching about prophecy
If you study the Bible it says that you are blessed if you do so
Revelation 1-Revelation 22 = Quadruple Blessing Promise if you read it!!
Spiritual Warfare is why people don't study prophecy
In the "Last Days" "teachers" will only teach pleasant things
Reminds us of going to heaven- IT'S AWESOME and DECKED OUT!
Revelation - No more pain, transformation - new bodies, imperishable, no more sin, no more cereal!, nor more false teeth!, Woop Woop! no limitations, perfect all the time...FOREVER!
1 Corinthians 2:9 - No eye has seen no ear has heard!
New colors in heaven, new sounds, new tastes
Knowing these things saves you from much heartache here on this earth
Heaven is something to look forward to ...not avoid
Doom and Gloom is a lie
We should be looking forward to being with Jesus and being in Heaven with him forever.
What is going to happen has already happened.
Revelation 20:1-4 = Satan is sealed up for 1000 years
An Awesome existence is coming without Satan, torment, temptations etc.
We get to see Jesus face to face in Millenium
There is a future Theocracy that is Garden of Eden Quality
No more elections, no more politics
There will be peace with nature = Lion and lamb, Cobra and child...MIND BLOWING!
Where do we find all this out? in the Bible....through Prophecy
Don't get ripped off from the prophecy
What is your hearts cry? Do you want to see Jesus?
Revelation 19!
We are missing this in the Church because no one is talking about the return of Christ.
Jesus is the King of Kings? Do you know Him?
If you study the Bible it says that you are blessed if you do so
Revelation 1-Revelation 22 = Quadruple Blessing Promise if you read it!!
Spiritual Warfare is why people don't study prophecy
In the "Last Days" "teachers" will only teach pleasant things
Reminds us of going to heaven- IT'S AWESOME and DECKED OUT!
Revelation - No more pain, transformation - new bodies, imperishable, no more sin, no more cereal!, nor more false teeth!, Woop Woop! no limitations, perfect all the time...FOREVER!
1 Corinthians 2:9 - No eye has seen no ear has heard!
New colors in heaven, new sounds, new tastes
Knowing these things saves you from much heartache here on this earth
Heaven is something to look forward to ...not avoid
Doom and Gloom is a lie
We should be looking forward to being with Jesus and being in Heaven with him forever.
What is going to happen has already happened.
Revelation 20:1-4 = Satan is sealed up for 1000 years
An Awesome existence is coming without Satan, torment, temptations etc.
We get to see Jesus face to face in Millenium
There is a future Theocracy that is Garden of Eden Quality
No more elections, no more politics
There will be peace with nature = Lion and lamb, Cobra and child...MIND BLOWING!
Where do we find all this out? in the Bible....through Prophecy
Don't get ripped off from the prophecy
What is your hearts cry? Do you want to see Jesus?
Revelation 19!
We are missing this in the Church because no one is talking about the return of Christ.
Jesus is the King of Kings? Do you know Him?
Sunday, August 10, 2014
NOTES: Rise of World Catastrophes - Billy Crone
Matthew 24:3-8 - How do we know it is getting close to Jesus' return?
1st sign is increase of wars = Since WWII 150 wars have occured - Ezekial 38:1-8 = 2500 year prophecy.
2nd sign is rise of famines = First there are deserts and droubts then the famines come. Currently CA is in 100% drought. No irrigation laws in CA in 2014. It is the new "Dust Bowl" - Worst its been - The Aguagila Aquifer is going away- Can't drill more wells = 4-8 years away from tipping point = MEGA DROUGHT! = Food prices are going up - There are famines in America for the first time.
3rd sign = Earthquakes - Planet is creating large cracks all over the place - Has been dramatic increase in earthquake activity in last 5 years. Have been increasing in both frequency and magnitude, and within "safe place" zones. There is a new fault in the Bible Belt. New Madrid. Rev 6:12-14
4th sign = Rise in Pestilence and Disease - Scientists are recreating the Black Plague virus! Why?. In 2015 its projected that 10 million will die of tuburculosis.- Our bodies are over saturated with anti-biotics. The Medical community is stating that the world is headed toward a medical disaster.
God is getting ready to judge the planet........don't harden your heart towards God...Ask him to soften your heart to him
Animals are dying in goves all over the planet - fish, birds, seals, cows, turtles, crabs, sting rays, aligators
God is trying to get your attention...these are warning signs
Luke 21:28 - Redemption is drawing near
We have the opportunity to share Jesus with people now
1st sign is increase of wars = Since WWII 150 wars have occured - Ezekial 38:1-8 = 2500 year prophecy.
2nd sign is rise of famines = First there are deserts and droubts then the famines come. Currently CA is in 100% drought. No irrigation laws in CA in 2014. It is the new "Dust Bowl" - Worst its been - The Aguagila Aquifer is going away- Can't drill more wells = 4-8 years away from tipping point = MEGA DROUGHT! = Food prices are going up - There are famines in America for the first time.
3rd sign = Earthquakes - Planet is creating large cracks all over the place - Has been dramatic increase in earthquake activity in last 5 years. Have been increasing in both frequency and magnitude, and within "safe place" zones. There is a new fault in the Bible Belt. New Madrid. Rev 6:12-14
4th sign = Rise in Pestilence and Disease - Scientists are recreating the Black Plague virus! Why?. In 2015 its projected that 10 million will die of tuburculosis.- Our bodies are over saturated with anti-biotics. The Medical community is stating that the world is headed toward a medical disaster.
God is getting ready to judge the planet........don't harden your heart towards God...Ask him to soften your heart to him
Animals are dying in goves all over the planet - fish, birds, seals, cows, turtles, crabs, sting rays, aligators
God is trying to get your attention...these are warning signs
Luke 21:28 - Redemption is drawing near
We have the opportunity to share Jesus with people now
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