Monday, August 11, 2014

NOTES: Why Study Bible Prophecy - Billy Crone

American Church has no clue why to study Prophecy...Why? Because pastors are not teaching about prophecy

If you study the Bible it says that you are blessed if you do so

Revelation 1-Revelation 22 =  Quadruple Blessing Promise if you read it!!

Spiritual Warfare is why people don't study prophecy

In the "Last Days" "teachers" will only teach pleasant things

Reminds us of going to heaven- IT'S AWESOME and DECKED OUT!

Revelation - No more pain, transformation - new bodies, imperishable, no more sin, no more cereal!, nor more false teeth!, Woop Woop! no limitations, perfect all the time...FOREVER!

1 Corinthians 2:9 - No eye has seen no ear has heard!

New colors in heaven, new sounds, new tastes

Knowing these things saves you from much heartache here on this earth

Heaven is something to look forward to ...not avoid

Doom and Gloom is a lie

We should be looking forward to being with Jesus and being in Heaven with him forever.

What is going to happen has already happened.

Revelation 20:1-4 = Satan is sealed up for 1000 years

An Awesome existence is coming without Satan, torment, temptations etc.

We get to see Jesus face to face in Millenium

There is a future Theocracy that is Garden of Eden Quality

No more elections, no more politics

There will be peace with nature = Lion and lamb, Cobra and child...MIND BLOWING!

Where do we find all this out? in the Bible....through Prophecy

Don't get ripped off from the prophecy

What is your hearts cry? Do you want to see Jesus?

Revelation 19! 

We are missing this in the Church because no one is talking about the return of Christ.


Jesus is the King of Kings? Do you know Him?

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