Sunday, August 10, 2014

NOTES: Rise of World Catastrophes - Billy Crone

Matthew 24:3-8 - How do we know it is getting close to Jesus' return?

1st sign is increase of wars =  Since WWII 150 wars have occured - Ezekial 38:1-8 = 2500 year prophecy.

2nd sign is rise of famines = First there are deserts and droubts then the famines come. Currently CA is in 100% drought. No irrigation laws in CA in 2014. It is the new "Dust Bowl" - Worst its been - The Aguagila Aquifer is going away- Can't drill more wells = 4-8 years away from tipping point = MEGA DROUGHT! = Food prices are going up - There are famines in America for the first time.

3rd sign = Earthquakes - Planet is creating large cracks all over the place - Has been dramatic increase in earthquake activity in last 5 years. Have been increasing in both frequency and magnitude, and within "safe place" zones. There is a new fault in the Bible Belt. New Madrid. Rev 6:12-14

4th sign = Rise in Pestilence and Disease - Scientists are recreating the Black Plague virus! Why?. In 2015 its projected that 10 million will die of tuburculosis.- Our bodies are over saturated with anti-biotics. The Medical community is stating that the world is headed toward a medical disaster.

God is getting ready to judge the planet........don't harden your heart towards God...Ask him to soften your heart to him

Animals are dying in goves all over the planet - fish, birds, seals, cows, turtles, crabs, sting rays, aligators

God is trying to get your attention...these are warning signs

Luke 21:28 - Redemption is drawing near

We have the opportunity to share Jesus with people now

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