Friday, August 15, 2014

NOTES: The Quest For Eden - Stan Deyo

2035 BC- Date of Flood

Genesis 2:8-14 contain clues toward Eden

Gahn = "Garden" in Hebrew -----> "Gahn Aden"  - 102 Square Miles

Eastward- Direction that the Sun Rises

Euphrates Clues = Genesis 15:18, Deuteronomy 1:7, 11:24, Joshua 1:4

Onyx, Myrrh, Gold,

Hivalah = Genesis 10:22-30


Mountain of God

NgoroNgoro + Two Crater Lakes = possible location of Garden of Eden


lake Magadi, Munge River, Layani River

Old Duvai Gorge

Flora and Fauna

Out of Africa Movie showed NgoroNgoro

NgoroNgoro is known as "Africa's Eden" and 8th Wonder of the World- Maybe it is the Area of the real Eden?

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