Saturday, August 09, 2014

NOTES: The Paranormal Paradigm Shift - Chris Putnam

Watchmen Nee- 1930's- Gave a warning- Satan will tap into human latent powers at the end

Romans 1:25 = All religions can be broken down by this verse. All religions will divide this way:

"They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen."

Paradigm Shifts change questions and view points

Paranormal is the new normal - There are 88 paranormal shows on tv (2014)

Atheists are changing their minds about God, but not accepting the Biblical Worldview

Science is accepting diagnosis as spiritually influenced

Presentiment = Ability to perceive the future = Many have the ability to sense when something is about to happen = Presentiment

Be prepared to address the "Excluded Middle" of Angels, Demons and Spirits when they start manifesting. 

Many are now teaching others to have psychic abilities 

Focus on the Solution...Because the Problem is Obvious

There is a lot of blood being shed. It makes you not sleep at night. It makes you break to hear the atrocities. Acts of human depravity - "SIN" - against each other....little children, women, and men. Where does apathy go when you come to realize that there is life in blood. When you see it spill you wake up…hopefully.  There is a lot of evidence that apathy can take such a deep hold on people that regard for human life is nothing. Therefore, may our plea be 1st to RECOGNIZE THE SOLUTION and believe that there has been One Man, Jesus Christ, whose life blood was specifically shed for humanity to free us all, and that has the power to change everything. Jesus' blood is the solution. It's priceless and very powerful. It represents all that is powerful to wipe away and cleanse the deepest depravity which is a SIN nature. We all have this sin nature. So, may we recognize and believe it is His work to impart the power of his shed blood; it is His work to increase faith in his life blood….If it were not for our unbelief in it, the mere thought of being ransomed and cleansed by the blood of God’s own Son would cause our souls to leap for joy and to overflow with love. May our 2nd plea be to pray that our hearts are rid of apathy and distractions that allow us to ignore the desperate cries from those who need help. We all need help, and we can pray now in the faith that moves a living God to intercede for others, and to change things according to His will. Pray in Jesus' name. May our 3rd plea be to indeed PLEA in the same passion and heart of this dear woman in the you tube video. She is speaking to her parliament to do something in all her strength. I believe there are many people in this world pleading in this way for those in all kinds of desperation. In all brokenness, we desperately need to direct our faith to the Living God. The One who can answer and respond in Love and Wisdom. Have you ever cried out to Jesus in this way?  Have you ever acknowledged that He very well may be the Living God in a human body and able to answer? Do we have faith to direct our cries to the Living God in the same heart and desperation trusting that He alone can do what’s necessary in all circumstances. This is what it looks like to intercede for those you love if they are close to you or even if you do not know them.  

“All things are possible: The blood of Jesus has divine power to produce results in us today.
Faith must first be aroused to recognize and apply the fact that the blessed effects of the blood of Jesus make all things possible, ever enduring, and inclusive.
True faith always includes entire surrender. To believe with the whole heart means to surrender with the whole heart to Jesus in whom life and salvation are.
Let there only be UNDIVIDED surrender to the Lord Jesus, the sacrifice of the "self" life-- 'I"-- in order to walk with Him. In that walk unbelief will wither.
We cannot know nor receive Jesus without knowing and receiving His will: obedience is the one sure characteristic of the surrender of faith. Faith that is not coupled with obedience is an imagination or pretense; there is not a true surrender to Christ. But the faith in which this true surrender is found presses ever on to a deeper insight into what His blood means and to the experience of what it can do.

All that is necessary for the more powerful operation of the blood of Christ in us is that faith in it should become wider, brighter, and stronger.” Andrew Murray- The Blood of The Cross