Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Everything Is On Time

Everything is On Time

God prepares all things good for a specific time and purpose. He responds and reacts to all our human choices, whether good or bad, in perfect wisdom... be it judgements or blessings. Both his judgements and blessing are good, and on time. 

Is God really silent when atrocities occur and swift judgement doesn't fall? Does it mean he doesn't care when those faithful toward him or the innocent are kIlled and he doesn't stop it? Do we understand all things? God truly is sovereign over all, and we can surrender our trust to that. God knows the hearts of men, and he cares deeply that none should perish in an eternity of torment because of their sins. That's the bottom line issue. He knows who will repent no matter the state of their heart today, and he knows who the stiff necked rebellious are who will continue to shake their fists in defiance at him. He sent wayward Jonah to Ninevah and they repented, and he destroyed Sodom and Gomorah after faithful intercession for any righteous in that city by Abraham!

We live in times where evil seems to be getting the upper hand, and is allowed to grow and fester and do its damage, but what does God think? Is He silent in it all? Do we know what's happening behind the scenes? God is pulling people out of sexual immorality today, out of terrorism, our of corrupt living in lies and deceitfulness, out of wastefulness and laziness, out of hatred and murder, out of empty religion. Out of captivity! At the same time, he knows of the underground hidden tunnels of sin in our hearts, our lands, our ruling bodies. He knows all things, and He faithfully warns us in the Bible that, outside of Jesus Christ, he will judge sin, and he will judge all unrighteousness in a very swift manner at the right time. The closer we get to all hell breaking out on earth, and God's translation of his children out, and Jesus Christ return it is going to get more and more intense. Evil will get bolder, Good will shout louder warnings. The earth and heavens will shake and signal more powerfully. But above all these things the steadiness and assurance and peace of God RESTS in how he has made it possible for us to be with him in that perfect REST.  Most LOVINGLY, he has made a way for all people to escape these judgements and even wrath by a person placing their complete trust in his son Jesus Christ: “When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.” Romans 5:6 NLT.

How Does God's Grace Work?

How does God's Grace work? Have you ever read the segway between Romans 10 and 11? The last verse of 10 and first verse of 11 is a life lesson about the riches of God's grace. God keeps giving to us, he keeps pursuing us...waiting patiently for us because of who he is. Volumes and volumes have been written about what's packed in these two verses. God has a way of showing humanity that he does LOVE people even when our hearts are desperately far away from him or when we have grasped onto false conclusions about him. He has amazing ways of making all things new even when we're blind or hard of hearing or even rebellious. The very significant point is when a person finally sees and hears and softens to God it is all because of his goodness and grace toward them. It's personal for him. It's a result of God's steady, unconditional love and authoring work over time. All of Romans 10 and 11 reveal this most amazing God who wants to have a relationship with us. We are no different than Israel in God's eyes, and He says pray for the peace of Jerusalem because it's the same as praying peace for our lives. Jesus is the Peace, and Grace of God whom God wants Israel to see and us to see. That same spiritual law works the other way too. If you want to be unfair to Israel or worse you are saying you want unfairness and the worst to happen to you personally. Everyone struggles, fights against the hard truths and resists sharing in the sufferings that come with following Jesus Christ. We can thank God so much for his goodness and grace towards us...the undeserving...and for his Spirit who gives us faith by reading the Word of God. Read Romans 10-11 today. God has an amazing plan unfolding that is full of grace to those who trust and believe in his Son Jesus Christ who makes all things possible. 

“But regarding Israel, God said, “All day long I opened my arms to them, but they were disobedient and rebellious.””
Romans 10:21 NLT


“I ask, then, has God rejected his own people, the nation of Israel? Of course not!” Romans 11:1 NLT

““Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and on the people of Jerusalem. They will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son. They will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died.”
Zechariah 12:10 NLT

Truth Changes Lives: Law vs. Grace

Truth Changes Lives. God's Grace is sufficient for every moment, choice and motivation. Freedom is not found in the Law, but in His Grace. God gives us more than we can ask for or imagine in Jesus Christ....the One Perfect Fulfiller of the Law of God. May He be your Requirement and Portion, Desire and Need, Joy and Strength, Peace and Rest, Comfort and Hope, Beginning and End. May His Grace inspire and restore you. Jesus stops the striving outside and inside. His Grace takes us into the most Holy of Holies. Romans 6

Praise Replaces Heaviness

If the soul is down with the spirit of heaviness there is someone who came to lift it up through a garment of praise. Amazing things happen when Jesus is praised, thanked and focused on. 

Isaiah 61:3