Thursday, September 22, 2011

Your Answer!

Jesus is the most powerful! He is greater then your need for water! And your need for food! And your need for shelter! He is more important than your family, and children! He is so significant! Jesus is the very essence of life itself! He is the only source of life! He IS LITERALLY LIFE. This is the BIG DEAL about Jesus Christ. He said it about himself, "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father unless they come through me. "

When you die if Jesus is not in you or in other words if his Holy Spirit is not in you will not live forever with him. You will be dead forever and separated from Him (God) for eternity. Jesus is the only option for eternal life after this earthly material life. Think that through. If Jesus is not in you now you are NOT REALLY ALIVE right now. Even though you are physically "living" you are spiritually dead and when you die you will be spiritually dead forever. Don't you want to be spiritually alive? Physical life is +/- 75yrs........

You are dead because your sin is separating you from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit Himself. The One True God who IS LOVE; who is HOLY and different; set apart, is turning his face away from your SINFUL STATE of being, mind, behavior. He is rejecting the essence of who you are which is SIN. BUT he wants to shine his face upon you!! In contrast, the essence of God is Righteous, Holy and True, Just, Love. He is a Consuming Fire. Perfect. And he gave humanity His Law in the Torah to prove he is different in these ways. The Ten Commandments are a BIG DEAL. God has always protected us from ourselves. Our sinful way. He protected first through the law which will always be good. But because we can not do the law or fulfill the law of God perfectly he chose to protect or save us through a better way then the law. Loved One! God loves you so much that he wants to remove your sin for you. He wants to remove the stain that lying, stealing, sexual sins, pride, anger, gossip, (name your sins) has left and replace it with clean garments that are white as snow. The only way to do that is to give up himself for you. And he did through Jesus His Son.

Look at this verse:

Romans 3:21-22

Christ Took Your Punishment

21 But now God has shown you a way to be made right with him without
keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings
of Moses and the prophets long ago. 22 You are made right with God by
placing your faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who
believes, no matter who they are.

That verse is the bottom line truth and Jesus is your answer. Jesus is not just another man. He is God and he gave up his life willingly for you because he loves you. Jesus is the only one who died to fulfill God's Justice in your place. If you want to be made right with God right now you can! Do the following and have Jesus defend you when you stand before God on Judgement Day.
  1. Admit you are the problem. A Sinner.
  2. Believe in Jesus Christ that He alone is God's solution to your problem. Believe, that by living perfect and sinless on earth Jesus is the perfect and only sacrifice needed to cover your sins. Believe that by dieing, Jesus fulfilled Gods Justice for all your wrongdoing once and for all. Believe, that by raising from the dead Jesus conquered death and you can now live in Christ spiritually, physically, emotionally free forever. 
  3. Confess that Jesus is God. Your Loving Creator, Savior and King. Confess that you are a sinner and ask Jesus to personally cleanse you from all your unrighteousness. Confess to Jesus alone, wherever you are (He will hear you), that you want him to remove your sins and to be the Lord and Savior of your soul forever. Confess that you place all your trust in His finished work on the cross for you and that you repent ( turn and walk away from your sinning behaviors and thoughts) of your current lifestyle of sin. Confess that you will live in the grace and mercy and love of God and not make your new faith a legalistic man centered religion.

If you do this Jesus will respond to you personally through his Holy Spirit. And he will provide for you and bless you because you have become his child! Praise God! Go buy a Bible and start reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These are the Gospels that share the good news about Jesus. Seek Jesus through prayer and find a good church where you can meet people who love the Lord and are seeking him and conforming to his image. Gen 1:26.

You are meant to know God personally.

Nothing is more important than this.

You are meant to be in heaven worshipping, praising and enjoying Jesus forever.

Much love,
