Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Prayer for Those Who Want God but Don't Know What to Say

Dear Lord Jesus,

You are Wonderful and have proven yourself Faithfull over and over again. Your life, and death and resurrection prove that your love is undeniable and available to all who seek it and ask for you to forgive them. You have done so many awesome and generous things for us and your Word is so true and revealing of your pure heart to save the lost and heal the sick and lame. But this world is blinding us to your pure light because our eyes and hearts are not fixed on you and we will to do our own thing moment by moment and do not acknowledge you or wait for you. Our eyes have not rested on You alone long enough to start to see who you really are. We can not see. Please forgive us for our insistent hearts to continue in our idolatry. We love our phones, tv shows, shoes, sleep, blogging, cars, money, looks, food, internet, beer, sex, power, position, achievements, our selves, and our casual hearts tread carelessly over You: The Savior! as we neglect your Holy Word: the Bible. You are Holy and you said that it is not the healthy who need a doctor but those who are sick, and I need your help to show me where I am sick. I know I have been running in this life in the opposite direction of where you stand. My life shows evidence that I am not alive in your Holy Spirit and Truth, but on the contrary that I am living for myself, my family, my job, my dreams. I am completely incomplete without you. I confess that I am not yours and that I have not laid down my life before you in humility and faith. I confess you are not my Lord and that I have made myself the god of my life. I have not yielded my will to your way and I am going down the wrong path. Jesus, please convict me of my sins and clean me from the core of my being outward until I am completely yours. Forgive me of my sin nature, my wrong thoughts, and actions, my pride, anger, gossip, selfishness, rebellious heart, sexual sins, pride. I have been blinded and have not realized how my actions all these years have wounded you. You went to that cross to save me from your Father's anger towards my sin and His Justice towards my unrighteousness. I believe you are the One man in all history who lived a perfect life before your Father. I believe you lived the life I could never live, but had to live in order to be saved. So I rest my trust on you alone. I believe you died the death I could never have avoided, so that I would never have to be apart from you. I believe you were raised back to life after you died, so that my soul could also be resurrected into your life. Please walk with me from this moment on and guide me by your Spirit as I read the Bible. Please come into my life and be my Lord and Savior forever. Thank you for your Mercy that has changed me and will meet me every morning. Thank you for being kind to me by dieing on that cross even though I don't deserve it. I love you Jesus. Glory be to your name all the days of my life!