In the hardness and coldness of this world, we can quickly lose site and trust in the tenderness and closeness of God....particularly, His Fatherliness to us His children. We have suddenly lost sight of what true FATHERLINESS is or never known it, because we have turned our hearts away from God's ways. How many generations have now turned their hearts away from God the Father and His FATHERLINESS? The need for Fatherliness from God is the most important need of a person. It's the foundational structure of a person's life. If the experience is not there then what is there? Quite seriously, think about the significance of a Father's love in general from an earthly point of view. A father, by definition of scripture, is to be loving, tender, patient, gentle, compassionate, and in joy over His children, so much so, that the child experiences the close intimacy and tenderness and helpfulness of his Dad. Oh, how desperate and lost we are without the knowledge of the Almighty God's powerful Fatherliness in our lives. Without Him in the heart of earthly dads we don't know real Fatherliness and therefore can't give true Fatherliness. If a Man, woman, or child has grown up with a father who demonstrated the above character they are most blessed, most able to grasp and maybe accept the truth that there could really be a God in heaven who is the originator of true Fatherliness and love. But for those whose experience under a father was lacking these blessings there is real loss, there is real pain and maybe anger, and more. It is absolutely critical that we come to know and trust in God for who He is. The Living God is made up of a trinity of individual persons: They are God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. Each of these Persons are unique yet One. Each of these Persons have a role to play in a persons life, and they are all to be worshipped as One God. I pray that you trust this even though it is difficult to grasp. God the Father's love is to be believed in by us. It is to be sought out by us. We are to know it and experience it, and what is the BEST is that God the Father has poured out his love to be experienced now. We must get into the right state of mind and heart to receive it. Believe this, the world is hard and cold because people are sinful, and because Satan roams around seeking to destroy everything and everyone, but this does not change who God the Father is, and how he is dealing with this problem of sin inside of us, and how he is dealing with Satan and those with him. He is dealing with it all in Love and Justice. We are to focus on his Love. To have His love we must give Him our whole hearts just as a child is to give their whole heart to their Father.
The cross of Jesus does not make God love us, but instead it is the result of God the Father's love for people. The Father loves all and beckons all to come, and trust in His love and forgiveness through the Cross of Christ. Through that trust and relationship a person becomes a child of God and God becomes their Father, because the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of them. A person then starts to learn who their Abba Father really is. It is fatherlike love that awakens childlike trust. We need to ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to reveal the Father, and His tender love to us so that we can become childlike, and experience how, in this new life with God, lies all the blessings and promises of God including the power of answered prayers. To get this confidence, strength and hope of the truth we have to call upon God as our Father. Our Dad, Abba Father.
God the Father is a Spirit and true worshipers worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. We are not to learn to be a child as a hard thing to do, like a hard lesson at school, so that we can make our Abba Father think we are doing good. God loves us not because we are clever or good, but because He is our Father. His love lies underneath everything. He loves all his children: the clumsiest, the dullest, the worst, the best, the weak, the sickly, the struggling, the thoughtless, the most obedient....all the same! He is not looking for results as motive in our hearts, but rather effort to love Him in all our heart, souls, minds and strength. The love of the Father in us starts with a relationship with Jesus Christ. It starts after a person places their trust in the living, dying, and resurrected sacrifice of Jesus' life for their very own life. Only then do the floodgates of God the Father's promises and blessings become available to them. After this Born Again experience a person becomes bound to God by the closest and most tender relationship with Him. The new child has a right to His love, His power, and His blessings in a way no one else could give. Now, all His everlasting love, patience and wisdom reach down to help His new child. The Father listens with compassion to His child's prayers. The child who lets God be their Father in everything, and will live their whole life in the Father's presence and love discovers that being in God's Fatherliness produces a thriving relationship with answers to prayer. All the cares and concerns for others that the child has in prayer and intercession the Father hears and also cares and the Father will answer. The secret of effective prayer is to have the heart filled with the Loving Fatherliness of God. It is not enough for us to know in the mind that God is a Father. It's essential that the heart knows Him. The Father must have our whole hearts in honesty and effort. When this is the case then that person can count on the fulfillment of the promises and that Abba Father finds joy in granting requests to prayers.
Living as a child of God and in His Fatherliness is eternal life! Give your all to Father God today by receiving and trusting in His all powerful free gift: His Son Jesus who is the Narrow Gateway to Eternal Life with the Father.
With much love for you, and the hope and trust that God and you will have a relationship together for eternity. I look forward to worshipping God the Father with you for all eternity!