Friday, November 21, 2014

A Powerful Option: United & Corporate Prayer

Everything that hinders us from experiencing the full power of God in our lives is tiring. Sin in us all, the world's crash course, Satan's lies and how much influence he has had to bring people down with him is all exhausting. All that's left for us to do that will change the direction of sin in us, hasten the kingdom of God, and stop the deception of the Devil in our world is to not only pray privately but to also pray to the Father corporately and in unity. 

Everything Is Screaming For It Now

Occasionally, and more so these days, I am captivated by the thought that it is only a moment that is separating us from the eternal life we hope for, and are confident in, and are looking toward with Jesus. It's only going to take one second or less for the transfer to occur, and then everything we've ever known will change. All that concerns us here in a moment will be behind us, and that sharp quick contrast in timing makes it seem that the reality of it is already here. It's as if the kingdom of God wants to be here among us now. When scripture says that the whole earth and heavens have been groaning and longing for this in Romans 8 (since the creation ) it apparent that everything is screaming for it now. 

Give Thanks In Everything- Jesus Didn't Say It Would Be Easy

Regarding the now time, think about how trying the circumstances can be that God allows into our lives. Loss of loved ones, being held captive in prisons and harsh treatment by those who don't know the love of God, fighting an illness or disease, being lonely or discouraged. So many of these things are meant to build us up in reliance on God through faith, and to help us acquaint with the sufferings of Christ, and ultimately be thankful for everything in every circumstance. It is not easy to consider it all joy, but we are encouraged to because it is possible to.

God is Sovereignly Working

I believe God is doing all kinds of good works that are unknown to us that are for our benefit. He works within us, and around us, in all our circumstances to keep us going, to build our faith, and to give birth to faith. Whether someone knows him personally or not he has set so much in place that is a kindness and a care. Although He is a God who gives he also takes away for our benefit, and when he takes away it seems that some kind of faith is ignited, some kind of a reaction happens inside that helps us want to recognize Him. If he takes something or someone away we all of a sudden turn our cries toward heaven or our many emotions. If our income is not enough or our kids get sick or if a country is headed for disaster or clear and present danger is over the horizon...we start looking up to the One who we know can make all the difference, to the One who is sovereign. We are always at his mercies and graces, and he always works out everything for the good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose. And in his kindness, God has made known his warnings so clearly that things are not going to remain the same as we know it. This world is reserved for fire. Those outside of Christ have no hope of salvation with God, yet God in all his kindness and care has made known that he has loved the world, and sent his only son into the world so that people can believe in him and not perish but have everlasting life BEFORE the time runs out. Life as we know it is going to become more and more right and true, and everything and everyone will give an account for their existence; their free will choices. Everyone will be in their place based on choices, whether that be in heaven or in hell. And God is not willing that anyone should perish but that all come to salvation through Jesus Christ.

God's Unmerited and Overarching Kindness Towards Us

God the Father is abundantly good to us without our awareness. We go through our days, regular routines, and don't hardly realize how dependent our lives are on his graces. His unmerited grace is constantly overflowing to us without our awareness, without our faith in him even. When was that last time we thanked him for the rising of the sun, for keeping the physics of the universe in order, the earth on its axis, and for keeping a good supply of oxygen, for sending the rain, for the ability to walk, and breathe, and see and even for being alive? It's not all held together by it's good to recognize and acknowledge that he is the One responsible for all these kinds of blessings to us every moment. Most days I take these graces for granted where I am not aware and giving thanks, but I am thanking God for his overarching and sustaining kindnesses to me and for the world. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Uniting the dIvIdEd Through Love and Prayer

The Spirit of God confirms that the way to unity , real long lasting unity in Spirit and in Truth is through Prayer and Love. These two powerful pillars hold everything together in relationships. And isn't that what life is about...relationships. They make everything that is good grow in our relationships with God and each other. It doesn't matter where we are, what country we're in, nor what laws and regulations rule over us. Prayer and love are the laws that must regulate humanity for there to be any progress in unity. The differences between people are appreciated in true love and prayer. True love and prayer rejoice in what is right and good not in what is improper or destructive.  Learning and studying and practicing these two things in faith in God will challenge the world, and be the pathway to unity for all the many people groups of this world on down to the little family that lives across the street, and the single lady who lives down the road. Let love and prayer be what they are,  accept them for what they are. Don't let misunderstanding of what they are influence today's decisions. Alternatively, seek out what prayer and love are so that they are understood and become the powerful forces for change in every circumstance. 

Everything depends the clarity of our relationship with God and our fellow neighbor. The two can not be separated. A heart that is not right with God nor his neighbor does not succeed. Matthew 5:23-24, says we must deal with any unforgiveness before we can really approach God and have his open ear. To really love God is to love man. Mark 11:25 says that We must forgive others in order for God to forgive us of our trespasses.  Matthew 6:12 and 18:35 says, that if we do not forgive others that God will not forgive us. 

Forgiveness is a by product of faith and love which is all strengthen by prayer. When you begin praying, if there is something not right between you and your brother the Spirit of God will remind of these verses. Our relationships with one another and how we are treating each other is of utmost importance to God. God is glorified in a life that is loving others he will hold us accountable by convicting us to  correct our relationships together. Additionally, our prayers will be hindered if we are not right with our fellowmen or if there is some sin in our life we are not dealing with. So we must have a forgiving heart to approach God. Nothing strengthens faith as much as the consciousness that we have given ourselves in love and compassion for those whom God loves. When we do what Colossians 3:13 says, forgive others just as Jesus Christ has forgiven us, we are living in the fullness and freedom of what Christ intends for us. All of our prayers and love depend on our faith in God's pardoning grace toward us. God sets the standard of forgiveness so that we can begin clean and fresh with one another and himself. If God dealt with us while keeping our sins in mind, not one prayer would be heard. 

Forgiving opens the door to all God's love and blessing, and once we have asked God to forgive even our own sins (which implies we will no longer go on sinning ourselves) then our prayers will become heard and powerful. We pray in faith when God's forgiveness takes hold of our hearts because we start to see the results. When the Spirit of God takes hold of us his nature is manifested to those around us.

It is obvious that today very few people have surrendered their whole hearts to the Living God. It is critical to know and believe that by Doing so ( surrendering all to God in faith) is not religious act. It is not a man effort to reach and please God. It is only a yielding to the only Living God out there. When we yield it's by faith. The Word of God says that it is impossible to please the Living God without faith. he wants you to trust in him fully, and the Bible is His book to you which is like no other book. The main theme of the whole Bible is this: The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses selfishness from our conscience and our whole being, and by us trusting in the power and love that is in the life blood of Christ, God the Father with his Holy Spirit can possess us. WHAT A MYSTERIOUS REALITY .....that a human being can be possessed by someone. All in all, we are to be possessed by the Spirit of the Living God so that nothing else rules over us. We are not to remain empty in ourselves and we are not designed to be possessed by evil demonic spirits which can happen because people mess around with the things of the Devil. When we sin we invite the wrong spirit to come into our souls and rule, BUT when we repent and turn from our sins, and forgive one another just as Christ did for us we invite the Living Spirit to rule and reign. It's all about who you are going to yield to. LET'S YIELD TO GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT AND SEE HIS AMAZING WORK BEGIN TO HAPPEN EVERYWHERE! The time for this is truly now! The world is literally dying for love in every place, every nation, every family, every school, every heart. All the promises of God towards humanity are a resounding Yes and It will be so through Jesus Christ alone. I pray for your heart that you would see Jesus today as the narrow gate to life with God forever and the gateway to amazing change in your life. The blood of Jesus cleanses you of all your sins. The love of God ino Christ is a pardoning love that takes possession of you and flows through you to others. Your forgiving love toward men is the evidence of God's forgiving love in you, and this is a necessity for the work of prayer to be performed through you in faith.

Regarding today's concerns, the true remedy for the problems is to not focus nor glorify the problems themselves, but to begin focusing on the solution in humility. Only the Gospel has the power to change a life in today's world which is becoming quickly harsh, and violent, and intolerant of what is really good. Only by hearing the clarity of the Gospel can a heart and mind that thinks it's ok to sin, be convicted to the core and see things and themselves as they really are before God. God, by his Holy Spirit, is the one who enables a person to see themselves as they really are. Are you really righteous in his sight my friend? You are not going to stand before him with anyone else. You will be alone and accountable to the One who sees all things, and knows all that you have ever done or thought. Are you really righteous before him? He requires perfection! The only way he will see you righteous is if your heart and faith is trusting in his son Jesus Christ ALONE for the forgiveness of your sins. Jesus is perfect in his eyes and it is God's eyes that really matter. If the blood of Jesus is not upon you in Spirit and in Truth you have no justification. You have no forgiveness. You will have his judgement and wrath for all eternity. God's mercy is upon you if you believe in the One who he sent to you to save you from your unrighteousness. Give your heart and faith to Jesus right now! Ask him to forgive you of all your sins and to give you the faith to believe in him with all your being. This is reality and He will do it! Let your life be Born Again into eternal life so that you can be used by God for his Glory for the rest of this short time we have on earth. You will glorify God if you love him and people! Your prayer will be heard and will be a force of good for others!

Andrew Murray writes, "God's opinion of what we really are, and what we desire is not based on the feelings we conjure up, but rather the tone of our lives during the day. Our relationship with God is part of our relationship with people, and failure in one of these is failure in the other. The effective prayer of faith comes from a life given up to the will and the love of God. My prayer is answered by God, not as a result of what I try to be when praying, but because of what I am when I am not praying." 

Let's all give ourselves to the Living God in personal selfless love for those whose lives need God. Neither faith nor love will profit if we don't have love. Love unites us with God' and it proves the reality of faith. BUT WHAT IS GODS WILL IN all these judicial, political, religious realms and all the endless issues that arise out of man's heart within these realms. His will is that we realize that our efforts in justice, governing, and religion are NOT THE ANSWER. The real answer is to surrender to Him by faith, and to have FAITH IN HIM ALONE (Mark 11:22). It's to put our trust in the Holy Bible and read it for ourselves, let the Spirit of God interpret it's message to us. HE IS A LIVING GOD and maybe that is the hardest to believe for the people of the world.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Nothing Needs to Grow As Much As Our Faith In Jesus Christ

What is faith in Jesus really? What is the living faith that receives, holds, and applies the authority of Jesus Christ in life....that receives that Jesus himself is the Lord and Conqueror? Where does this faith come from and how can it be received?

Do you know what it says in Philippians 2 about Jesus Christ? Here is what it proclaims:

"Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Jesus often explained and reproofed that impotence and failure was due to unbelief in Him. The inability to do the impossible was due to a lack of trust and dependence on the living God himself as Jesus the Lord and Conqueror in their souls. The faith they were lacking was specifically that Jesus is the authority in all things, and that there are degrees of faith in him that one graduates into as a result of spending time with him, and as a result of surrendering all to him.

Here are some notes from Andrew Murray on the issue of  how unbelief can be turned into powerful faith in Jesus Christ through prayer and fasting:

  • "Jesus Christ must have total a influence and control over one's life in order for faith to do it's mighty deeds.
  • Faith is the simplest exercise of the spiritual life, and it is also the highest. Faith needs a life of prayer in which to grow and keep strong, and prayer needs fasting for its full and perfect development. There can be no true prayer without faith in Jesus Christ, and yet prayer is the way to more faith in Christ. There can be no higher degrees of faith without much prayer. We must look to the throne of God to know where and how faith is to start and grow. It is in prayer, exercising faith in fellowship with the living God, that faith can increase. Faith lives by feeding on what is Divine- God Himself.
  • Adoring worship of God, waiting on, and for him in the deep silence of the soul is what increases the capacity for knowing and trusting's where faith is born.
  • Prayer implies a dying to self which will allow a closer union to Jesus in whom the Spirit of faith comes in power. Faith needs prayer for its full growth. Christ Jesus is a person's life, and the life of a person's faith. It is Jesus Christ's life in a person that makes them strong and ready to believe.
  • Jesus said," He who loses his life for my sake will find it."
  • Prayer is the one hand in which to grasp the invisible. Fasting is the other hand in which to let go of the visible. Only in a life of moderation, and self denial will there be sufficient heart and strength to pray much. Fasting helps to express, to deepen, and to confirm the resolution that one is ready to sacrifice anything, even self, to attain the Kingdom of God.
  • Jesus knows to accept, value and reward with power the soul that is ready to give up everything for Him and His Kingdom."

NOTES: Prayer Must Be Definite- Andrew Murray

It is only when the child has yielded his own will in entire surrender to the Father that he receives from the father the liberty and power to will what he desires

The prayer in faith that Jesus sought to teach his disciples does not simply proclaim its desire and then leaves the decision to God

The prayer of faith finds God's will in a promise of his Word, and pleads for that promise until it comes

Faith is nothing but the purpose of the surrendered will resting on God's Word and saying, "I must have it!" To believe truly is to will firmly

If you really will to have something that is within your reach, you do not rest until you have it. When Jesus asks you, "What do you will?" He asks whether it is your intention to get what you ask for at any price, however great the sacrifice.

Do you really will to have it enough to pray for it continuously until he hears you, no matter how long it takes?