Friday, November 21, 2014

God's Unmerited and Overarching Kindness Towards Us

God the Father is abundantly good to us without our awareness. We go through our days, regular routines, and don't hardly realize how dependent our lives are on his graces. His unmerited grace is constantly overflowing to us without our awareness, without our faith in him even. When was that last time we thanked him for the rising of the sun, for keeping the physics of the universe in order, the earth on its axis, and for keeping a good supply of oxygen, for sending the rain, for the ability to walk, and breathe, and see and even for being alive? It's not all held together by it's good to recognize and acknowledge that he is the One responsible for all these kinds of blessings to us every moment. Most days I take these graces for granted where I am not aware and giving thanks, but I am thanking God for his overarching and sustaining kindnesses to me and for the world. 

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