Sunday, October 05, 2014

Super Natural Realities- The Mystery of the Gospel and Jesus- The One Extraterrestrial We Are Waiting For

Ephesians 6:10-18
A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

So much of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a mystery to people. Why, because Jesus is truly to become the all consuming nature within a person. Not just a thought nor idea, but the very nature that causes our thoughts and ideas.  The very nature that impacts our DNA! If Jesus' nature is not within a person then the only natural nature within a person is their own...and that is a sinful nature. People are born in sin, but once Jesus becomes Lord and Savior of a person's life that person's nature changes, because God the Holy Spirit comes literally and spiritually inside of them to live. This miracle changes the old sinful nature into a new born again nature. But therein lies the mystery. We don't know how it happens, but we know it does happen, and only through faith and the power of God. The Word of God reveals that by God's grace towards us and through the faith we place in Jesus, God sees us as new creations, and not of this world nor under our old nature. As King David affirmed and cried out in Psalm 119, "He has become a stranger in this world." God's new perspective towards us when he sees us committed to his Son, and when he sees his Son's life, death, and resurrection representing us is we are Born Again Children of the Most High God who have become aliens in this world or strangers to it. Without Christ, the justice and wrath of God are on the sinful nature of a person, but with Christ the Grace and Forgiveness of God are on the new nature. 

Let me speak to something that may seem off subject, but has much to do with the mystery of the gospel and the challenge there is in a person believing it today and in the future.  This is something the older generations might consider as far out...even my generation, but what I am speaking of here is not so far fetched for the newer generations. This point is directly connected to how one discerns the technological and the spiritual, and if they will either see and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ or will be deceived and not understand it.  It has everything to do with discernment of truth no matter the era one grew up in, nor the miraculous signs one has seen or experienced, the supernatural, nor what a person may consider as "impossible." The older generations have the luxury of not being so inundated and influenced (distracted) to the core of them by all this technology, and the type of programming in the media and entertainment world that has exploded in the past 20 years.  The younger generations are consumed by it all however.  How often do you see a person looking at their phone or computer while among others today? The Baby Boomer generation and the younger don't have the past framework like their grandpas and great grandmas did. I see tons of 50-60 year olds navigating and knowing how to use the current technology and even wanting to, but much fewer 60-70 year olds even desiring to use the devices. But regardless of the era one grew up in, in the current world's media, there is now an incredible focus and emphasis on the "supernatural." Many underlying themes in so many movies and even little children's cartoons are consumed by the idea that there is "something" or "someone" out there in space that is beyond us, and there is a general expectation being written in the hearts of people that there will be a "saving race" or a "saving one" to come who will stop all the chaos that will happen here on earth. It is not so far fetched anymore that an "alien race" may exist, who can teach us the "higher way" in people's minds. And not just in the entertainment media is this message being conveyed and supported, but it's also being addressed by those who are in positions of political and religious leadership, who say that we should soon expect to see these "aliens" and be ready to learn from them....receive "them" or "him." 

I bring this point up because people are never ready for the supernatural to manifest before their very eyes. Whether it be God the Creator who sent His only Begotten Son to live, die and be raised to save humanity through the Holy Spirit and a human egg or little green aliens, religious anti-Christ saviors, or nephilim type of creatures people are generally very skeptical. Whether it is a good or evil manifestation people aren't ready to believe it's real, BUT in this current fallen world people are being conditioned to receive anything but the truth of God which is the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. Even those who are more inclined to believe in something supernatural are being directed to believe in and accept someone or some higher race from the spiritual realm and/or within the trans-humanist, bio-technological advancement realm which is already mastering super DNA manipulations.  The reality is, we do live in a world and in a universe where there is One True Triune God (God the Father, God The Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit), and there is a Devil, and there are angels and demons. They are all supernatural authorities that we are not used to seeing.  These are the extra terrestrial entities, and there is also technology that has been developed and is being developed that will help bring people into a greater connection to all the ungodly entities, and not in a good way. The Bible says that greater is He (God) who is in you ( if he is in you) then he ( the Devil) who is in the world. You see the Holy Spirit does come and live inside of you when you believe in Jesus. 

All in all, just remember this in your deepest soul: If at some point you do see an alien life form, that is not Jesus Christ, come to this earth know they are fallen angels (demons) masquerading as "good and helpful." They will not be benevolent, but will be malevolent. They are satanic entities a part of the bigger goal to deceive you and trick you. They don't want you to believe in the truth of who Jesus is. Additionally, if you experience the powerful advancements of biotechnology and transhumanist efforts on a scale that brings the human soul and mind into one with the "upper dimensions" and "singularity with everything with the universe," REALIZE it is just the man made efforts to become like God and believe that original lie of Satan, "you surely shall not die....You will be like God." Be discerning Friends. We are entering into that time where the great desception and strong delusion will take you if you are not believing in the work that Jesus Christ....the Most High, Loving, Powerful, Godly "Extraterrestrial" did for you. 

Praise the Lord that He has given us His Holy Spirit to seal us from the powers of darkness and the power of sin and death, and the power of deception and lies!

So, when Jesus says in his word that sin separates us from him that's literally what it means. Our sin natures separate us from having a relationship with God. Obviously, God knows this, but naturally we don't. In our nature we think we're okay because we do good things sometimes. That's a wrong perspective from our vantage point. If a person wants a relationship with the living God who is perfect and pure and true and honest and right, in everything he does, all the time-We must get saved by him from our dead nature, and receive freely his nature inside of us. The Living God has said that the payment for sin is death. When a person hears the Gospel it produces faith in it. This is the Gospel: God created you to have a personal relationship with him forever, but you have been born sinful which is proven by your choices to sin (have you lied, stolen, lusted after another person, used God's name in vain, etc?) Your sinful choices are a result of your sinful nature, and you are naturally in a state where you are dead spiritually. God never intended this for you. He never intended that you die separate from him or be dead in Spirit and Truth.  But God is so perfect that he cannot ignore your sin. He is a just God. You are dead without God's nature living inside of you, and if you were to die in your physical body without his nature being inside of you, you will also die a second death on judgment day when God judges your sin, and the result of that judgment is eternal separation from God in a place called hell which was prepared for Satan and his demons. But here is the good news. Here is another part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: This same just God loves you so much that he sent his only son that if you believe in him you will not perish but have ever lasting life. God sent his perfect son Jesus The Christ to die for you and pay the penalty for your sins. The living God will only accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as a perfect payment for your sin. Nothing else. The blood of Christ is perfect blood. Jesus never sinned. Do you believe this? Not only did Jesus die for your sins, but on the third day he rose from the grave because he is more powerful than death. He is literally God in a human body saving you from eternal separation from him. In order to receive God's nature inside of you you must believe these things about Jesus and yield your life over to God in humility and repent from your sins. Admit you are a sinner, lost and believe on the Lord Jesus as your personal savior from your sins. Commit your life to following Jesus forever. When you believe and commit your life to Jesus the Holy Spirit then comes inside of you to live and rule and guide and comfort. Many people get mad when it is proclaimed that Jesus is the only way to heaven. But think about it---who else in all of history has done what Jesus has done for you? Who has lived perfectly, proved his God nature through miracles signs and wonders, and not only this but through sacrificial love died on a cross that he did not deserve for your transgressions? And last but not least who in all of the world has risen after they have died proving they are greater than death, and are really who they say they are ...the Way, the Truth and the Life? Jesus has done this, and all this is what is proclaimed in the Holy Bible, the super natural book that is from God to us that we are supposed to read. Dear friend, within the human nature is pride and pride is the only thing that keeps a person from receiving the good news about Jesus Christ. Pride is real. It is a most dangerous reality inside us, but God says that "if a person confesses with their mouth that Jesus is Lord they will be saved.

Ephesians 6:10-18

A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. "

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