Saturday, February 10, 2018

We Desire and Need Only You Jesus

Do not leave your chamber without inquiring of the Sovereign Lord  / Serve others until exhausted, but always be replenished. Be filled up continually through the Word of God and Prayer. Rest. /
Have a faith that can be tested.

We desire to please you Jesus for you have given us everything of yourself. You have given us all things good and eternal. Blessed be your name! We need you to give us faith for in you there is all authority, healing, recovery, restoration. We are hungry oh God, and you are the Bread of Life Jesus. We need our true hunger satisfied desperately. Jesus, you know that people need you. Please continue to perform what needs to be done in the lives of people everywhere in this world today.  By that miracle of compassionate love may it draw us closer to you and produce and strengthen the faith in us needed for the salvation of our souls, and the restoration and sanctification of our souls. We need your Salvation. We need YOU Jesus.

Mark 6

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