Wednesday, September 07, 2005

When we surrender our spirit, soul and body to the Light it allows us to see our true spiritual need and that those things we have been doing in the dark steal the best that Truth has to offer us, namely, real love, real joy, real peace, real relationships, and real eternal life. None of these can be experienced unless they are given and received in the Spirit of Humility. This humility is fueled by Love.

As we remain in the Light we will be sustained by it because in a sense we have "plugged into its power" through a chosen state of willfull surrender. Partial surrender to the Light is no surrender at all because it is an incomplete and divided decision. It's been said that whoever surrenders their spirit, soul and body into the Light of Truth will receive its eternal spiritual Life, but whoever remains in the darkness will lose their life in that same eternal and spiritual darkness.

Real Love, Joy, Peace, Hope, Relationship, and Life are all available to us when we humble ourselves through surrendering to the Light of Truth.

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