Thursday, September 08, 2005

Stepping into Light from the dark places in our spirit, soul and body is the most significant decision we can make. The outcome of such a decision flips our world and perspectives upside down, because the Light allows us to really see ourselves as we truly are and empowers us to do what we could never do in the dark by ourselves. Absolute surrender changes the location of our eternity and enables us to be humble.

I was once in the dark and in a dead and disordered state. I was divided and incomplete and I wanted help out of it. A man who came to understand humility said to me step into and remain in the Light where you will be exposed in the Truth. I did because the dark is lonely, unfulfilling and much worse. This Light completely exposed the reality of my condition: I was dead in my spirit, soul, and body. But the Absolute Truth was there: the Truth that was beyond the dictates of my reason and expectation. I was anticipating justice for who I was in the dark, but the Truth didn't throw a punitive hand, a clamor of disgust, a turn of rejection or a verdict of guilty as charged. He offered me forgiveness past, present and future because he already took the perfect justice for my carnal, diseased and disordered state. If I would receive his mercy so undeserved I would never receive his justice so rightly deserved. It was at this point that I experienced what humility was. I received forgiveness and surrendered completely to the way of living that is in the Light of Truth.

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