Tuesday, September 09, 2014

NOTES: The Harvest is Ripe - Claudia Koenig

  • Jesus must go through my life like he went through Galilee. John 4 vs 3
  • Jesus gets weary of our unbelief, non bible reading, no praying
  • Jesus can't do much in us because there is mixed drink in our lives: IDOLS
  • Drink of Jesus-  You will never need another someone or something again!
  • John 4: 24-  We must get rid of idols in order to worship God in Spirit- Jesus is weary of idolatry
  • Finish the work for the days are few
  • Must look at Jesus to see the harvest is ripe
  • Plant the seed
  • Some have the gift of evangelism, but we are all called to evangelize. One sows and another reaps
  • Right where you are the people next to you have been labored over. You are next to them to work the harvest that you did not labor over!
  • Jesus has chosen you...You have the choice to obey
  • GET UP!
  • Labor in prayer to meet with God in the morning to sift what is wicked or wrong in your life- 3am is the best time!
  • Andrew Murray- School of Prayer
  • Go sit on a rock - lay it all before the Lord- Give everyone and everything to the Lord
  • Make sure you are talking about Christ and not yourself

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