Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I am writing to you about this because it’s the most important issue in your life whether you believe it or not …. and because there are major consequences if Jesus is denied in your heart as the one He said he was! I am also writing you because truth is being trivialized, minimized and diluted in the hearts and minds of people around the world and more and more in our country. This is not to say that the truth is changing. It is to say that people are changing. People are rationalizing the truth so much that there’s a blanket over many people’s eyes and the ears of many people are plugged up preventing the ability to discern right from wrong and good from evil. I often ask myself if I am one of those who are being deceived into believing lies, and I wonder who in my life is being deceived into believing what is not true. I cringe at the thought that I would ever want to accept anything or live in anything other then what is really true even if it’s challenging to do so. Truth is good, honesty, love, doing the right thing, caring for one another, helping and supporting one another, forgiving, repenting of wrong in our lives and so much more. Truth is the WAY Jesus lived! That’s why Jesus said what he said. He was living out the way to true and
real living. The kind that will last forever! I want to be living this kind of life. Do you? Maybe you have never heard of this very important analogy that Jesus said many times over again…that basically our eyes are meant to see the truth and our ears are meant to hear the truth so that we can have the opportunity to put our faith in it. I’ll say that a different way. That basically your eyes are meant to watch Jesus and your ears are meant to hear Jesus so that you can have the opportunity to put your trust in him… and thus the importance of reading the bible for yourself is made known because Jesus and his ways can only be found by reading the Bible. There are many who have eyes but they are not really seeing. Nor can their ears really hear. Are you one who is not interested in seeing or hearing or living out what is true? If we have not too quickly forgotten Truth cannot evolve, be controlled or be made up. Being a truly wise person is to admit and accept that Truth is not relative…but rather absolute. It’s to admit that truth is bigger than all of us and it can not be divided or watered down or ignored. We should be thankful for this because our souls are at stake! And so Jesus is to be believed upon or rejected in your life.

There’s no doubt our world is on the verge of major changes. And I am one along with many others who desires to make clear and make known to you the real and bottom line issue at stake even if doing so causes an intense stir in your heart. You have to get your true heart out on the table and wrestle with the truth until you see clearly enough to turn away from Jesus or receive him. Jesus makes claims on your soul that you must be aware about! This is a true life and death decision you have to make. The motive behind my writing to you like this is classic in example: If I was on the verge of death because of an illness, because of drowning, because of an any number of things I would appreciate it if the one with the antidote or the life jacket would give it to me so that I might remain alive. APPRECIATE! Think of the meaning of that word in context. Think of how appreciative you would be if someone gave you the only cure for your terminal disease! Jesus said there is no greater love then when a person lays down their life for another. And so I ask you, who in your life is laying down their life for you and for your sins? Are your friends holding you accountable to what is true? To what is right and wrong? Is anyone sharing Christ with you if you don’t know him for who he really is? Are you actively searching for the cure to your problem? Do you even know that you have a problem?

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