Monday, August 06, 2007


To Whom It May Concern,

I keep thinking of how time is slipping bye…precious time…. and how important you are in the midst of the passing seconds. It’s an amazing thing to realize that the most critical choice in life is the same one for each of us and in light of this most critical choice and the relative calm before the impending storms I did not want to wait a moment longer in sharing with you what is on my heart.

What in this world would ever convince you to take seriously the words you’re about to read? And I conclude what else but a heart that desires to be brutally honest with you about your purpose in life. I pray you would hunger for what is true not for what makes you feel good or what makes you popular or accepted in the hearts of others. What you’re about to read is an invitation to you to not let another day go by before you sincerely make your final decision about the most important choice in your life.

The time is nearly here when you and I will have no more time to sway back and forth or have a middle ground or fence to stand on regarding a number of very important issues we face today in our world. More specifically, it’s a time when ignoring, rationalizing or putting on hold the ultimate decision of life will be impossible. That ultimate decision is whether or not you and I will choose to receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. It’s a choice that each of us must make for ourselves. A final decision must be made about this in your heart because it is impossible to remain neutral about it. Why? Because it is the truth and the truth as a whole does not allow neutrality or apathy. The truth has an inevitable way of squeezing in on you so tightly that eventually it’s not possible to ignore it. Truth wakes people up because its final destination is to be right in front of you in such a way that it is exactly as if you are looking squarely in its eyes knowing that you have to receive or reject it for what it really is. Right now we’re still in the middle of the funnel where there’s still room to breathe but it is a very certain fact that we will soon be at the narrow gate of the funnel of life facing our ultimate destination for all eternity. No matter how great the pressure this is how truth works and so we should remember and seriously consider Jesus’ words. Jesus said, “I am the Truth.” And Jesus is also the One and only person who can save people from the coming judgment on the sins committed by both individuals and nations. Ultimately every single person will either be in agreement with truth or not. The sobering thing is that you will be responsible for making this final decision for yourself about Jesus. The major questions at hand are, “Will I accept Jesus as my personal Savior by believing in him? By believing he is the one who died in my place because of my sins? By believing he is the one who rose from the dead so I could also be raised up with him and escape an eternity void of God? Even if it initially makes me uncomfortable, will I accept this truth knowing that it will require that I humble myself and admit my wrong and my need to be saved from my sins?
We should never forget that it is only Jesus Christ who has willingly done what is necessary to bring forgiveness and salvation to us. No one else has or ever will have the resolve, the lifestyle, the authority and power, or the passionate love necessary to save you and me from our sin nature.

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