Thursday, August 09, 2018

To the God Who Does Much with Little, More with Less and Everything with Nothing

Journal Entry 7/6/18

Does abiding in Christ and trusting him in all things equal passivity? Abiding is very active. Learning to let the life of Christ flow through me alone is most productive. The activity comes in the resting and allowing God to do the work through me. God is preparing me for what I cannot do, and to work without any recognition from others. The lesser people are God’s people. All of the circumstances in my life are to prepare me for what only God can do...”The greater works than Jesus”... God uses it all not to depress me but to get me excited.  This is God‘s marvelous way. He wants to show me what I cannot do, not what I can. God‘s perfection is made known through my imperfection. God safeguards his glory through my weakness. God is using every situation in my life: marriage, finances, parenting, work, failure, and struggle to accomplish his plan.  God’s order is perfect. Truth that doesn’t land at the feet of Christ is not true. Hopeless truth equals oppression. Truth is a person that must be at the center of my heart, mind and soul. Hopeless truth, marriage problems, financial difficulty, parenting and kid issues, work issues must end with real truth which is trusting in Jesus and his promises. God is in all of it. Everything in my life is permitted by God to cause the life of Christ to flow through me. Attack hopeless truth with Jesus, THE TRUTH. Be the center of my life Jesus. Hidden in the negatives are the positives I long for, and the positives can’t be drawn out until I go into the darkroom of faith. Hebrews 11:36. The “others” trusted and never received. The greatness of faith is that it keeps me in Christ even when I receive nothing. Even if the promise never comes. Jesus is my portion forever and only Jesus. “I Am” versus “I am not”. Dear ABBA Father, be all that I am not. Bring your “ I Am” into my very spirit and mind. There is no difference between Christians. Christian growth is dependent upon which gear that Christian is in. Staying in first gear when you must get on the highway requires a perspective shift. Need to shift into higher gears, higher belief systems of faith to gain speed. Staying in first gear on the highway is like a Christian whining about their hopeless truth. They need to get the real truth, Jesus, to the center of their life in order to overcome. Shift gears into the “ I Am” gear. There isn’t anything that the nearness of Christ can’t fix in our life. Christian growth is dependent upon resting in Christ. In every situation he must remain the focus. Truth is demonstrated not preached. The person of Jesus Christ is what will keep me. What is Christianity? It is Jesus Christ himself, and abiding in him alone. Jesus is in me. Colossians 1:25-28 ——> proclaim Jesus.

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