Thursday, August 09, 2018

The Blood of Jesus

 Journal Entry 8/4/18

 The blood of Jesus is participated in by communion. Communion reveals a real spiritual reality that impacts us in the physical. How do I get the Spirit of God into me? By the blood of Jesus. The cross of Christ tows away my old man. The blood of Christ washes away the residue of that old man. The blood holds the doors open for me to go into the holy of holys. The blood was sprinkled on the cross, and if I take up my cross daily it will make me holy, and it will do in me what God wants to do. Why don’t we live the abundant life of abiding? It is because of unbelief. There are many unbelieving believers. We believe with our mind, but not with our emotions, therefore, there is great conflict. Do we really want Christ to be the answer? What are the real needs of our lives? Spiritual needs? What is my emotional concept of God? What is a person’s concept of God? Who influenced my concept of authority? Accept people for who they are not what they do. Don’t create rules for people to keep. Who is God? God is revealed in 1 John 4:8 and 1 Corinthians 13

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