Friday, August 10, 2018

Living At The End of Our Ropes

The end of our ropes = More of God and His rule, and less dependence upon ourselves.

In what areas of your life do you have concern? Are things lining up in your assessment? Is God allowing those things to come to an end so that it can be revealed just how Sovereign and in control he is in bringing about the life he desires in you and for you? Coming to the end of our ropes is a blessing. It means more of God and less of the flesh. It means opportunity to trust and depend upon the living God who works out all things for good? Are you called according to his purpose in your heart, soul, mind and body? If so, let it all come to an end, and watch Him put all the pieces together in the way only he can. HE IS A LIVING GOD!

Where is your: Vision? Plan? Financial Peace? Marriage? Compassion? Unity? Peace? Purpose? True Intimacy? Relationships? Parenting? Giving? Tithing? Time? Work? Patience? Kindness? Hunger and thirst for Jesus? Bearing Fruit? Investing? Declaring the Gospel and the Mystery in Christ? Purity in mind and body? Friendships? Love? Thankfulness? Agreement in the Truth? Prayer? Faith?.....

Dear Lord God, please take all of the areas of concern and our lives. We depend on you to make all these things good in your judgment. Be all to us and in us that our lives might please you… As a testimony of what you have done. You are to receive all the glory, honor, and praise.

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