Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Spirit of God Asks You, " Who Do You Say Jesus Is?"

How many hours will there be before the last hour strilkes, and the Son of Man is fully known by all of humanity? It's quite amazing....the Spirit of the Living God is who makes Jesus the focal point of life. The Spirit of God is always asking us, "Who Do You Say He Is?" May God bless your next hour with His Spirit... If you live the average 75 years, you have 657,000 hours (80 yrs = 700,800 hours) before you face eternity in the light of Jesus or the darkness of hell. Life will not be the same if you ask Jesus into your heart and trust the Bible that he prepared for you. Trusting all of the Bible is the same as trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior! The Old Testament is Jesus Concealed and the New Testament is Jesus revealed. 

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