If we want a loving husband, and loving wife, and obedient child, the only hope that we have is to place their eyes on the Savior who can deliver them from vexing behaviors. None will find deliverance anywhere else save in Jesus Christ.
As we choose to fight the battle on the proper battle line, we recognize that the problems we see around us are manifestations of life void, at least in the present moment, of abiding. We will then join the struggle to see those around us abide, and in this way the problems will disappear.
Will total surrender bring pain and loss? Actually the opposite is true, the lack of total surrender will bring pain and loss! The enemy invests great energy in this lie. It is whispered continually to the growing believer who has given up all but that one thing to serve the Lord, that one thing which is coveted, which has brought pleasure, which allows independence, and that allows the enemy to maintain a foothold in the believers life. What is this one thing? It differs among Christians, but will generally have to do with some right which we believe we should have: a right to be in control, not to forgive, to keep that one idol, or to have some kind of worldly possession or pleasure.
Surrender those last things!
However, since this particular type a believer has given up all else, the enemy is rarely successful in his attempt to gain a stronghold, but he uses this one thing to take the edge off the person's walk with the Lord and keep him away from the full experience of joy.
And so it is with this one small thing; it never quite allows us to enjoy all that God has given because of its presence. We see it in marriages where the enemy whispers, "if you give into him, you will become a doormat. If you love her now, you will only be encouraging that behavior." The couples in this deception, each holding onto his or her right to be in control, lying in bed refusing to touch the other, and declining to communicate, forfeit the abundant life. They have pain and loss because they do not have a total surrender.
When it comes to taking up the cross and denying self-life residue, the lies will take this form: “you must wait for others to die to self-life and abide before you do. If you deny yourself you will not be happy. Denial of self leads to abuse by others. I’ll do it if my mate will do it.” These are deep deceptions, for if the Lord is calling you to self denial, he’s calling you to abundant life. Since you have heard the message about abiding, you are to be the first to deny self and, therefore, the first to experience the blessing.
The kind of forgiveness, love, submission, and respect toward others which the Lord requires of us will never come if based on their actions. The Lord makes such demands on the basis of how he has treated us, not how others have acted. We are commanded to love because of the intensity with which he has loved us. The very thought that others do not deserve love because of their behavior is hellish and demonic, and those who believe such things are rebels in the kingdom of God. We are to love as he has loved us, lose our life for he has lost his for us, and give up all for him who gave up all for us.
As we give up all, we, too, will find great joy, not pain and loss. Do not allow the enemy to have this strong hold; right now with your mouth give up that one thing that steals joy and the life that is yours. And remember, total surrender is not a point in time when all is given up, but a recognition of a past event: that you are grafted into the vine, that you are abiding, that you gave up all the day you accepted him, and, therefore, you are totally surrendered now!
Spirituality is something that is possessed only in the present moment of abiding.
An unteachable man is a carnal one.
We want life, not knowledge.
As we begin to experience the abiding life, our emotions will take their proper place under the influence of the Spirit.
For if we decide to walk after the Spirit, and those with whom we have the most dealings (mates, partners, children, coworkers in the church, and those in our places of employment) are walking after the flesh, there will still be clashes. I have often observed that marriage partners get along better when both are walking after the flesh then when one decides to walk after the Spirit. The enemy will use this situation to beat the spiritual believer down and bring him to the place where he feels that it is no longer worth the effort to walk in the Spirit. With this experience comes the thought that it doesn’t work. However, the proof that it does work is the fact that there is a battle between flesh and spirit. Conflict is being created through contrast. By walking in the Spirit, you are exercising pressure on those around you, like salt that burns in an open wound. Don’t give in to the enemy; the Lord is using you in a mighty way. Allow your life to continue to be leaven to those around you, for what you have has proven itself throughout the centuries to be contagious! We must also be on guard against judging those who we now can easily see are living a life after the flesh. It is always easy to forget from where we have come from, and how miserable an existence we were leading. The enemy does not want us to stick it out with others, giving to them what the Lord has given to us. We will, however, by his grace, resist all temptations to turn away from any believer, not being satisfied until we see them raise the victory in Christ. Freely you received, freely give. Matthew 10:8
Those who live in passivity, never allowing the life of Christ to be expressed through them, are simply not abiding.
The same is true for the abiding Christian; there will be extended periods in which no activity is overtly seen, but in the deepest parts of his being he is being strengthened for the day when life within will be made apparent and be fruit for those around him. Let me remind you, too, that God does not intend to resolve every manifestation of the flesh through a quick answer.
Many traffic in toadstool solutions, but we will allow the Lord as much time as he sees fit to make us mighty oaks. However, the passive believer who never shows manifestations of life is not abiding, no matter how spiritual he may sound.
As we choose to fight the battle on the proper battle line, we recognize that the problems we see around us are manifestations of life void, at least in the present moment, of abiding. We will then join the struggle to see those around us abide, and in this way the problems will disappear.
Will total surrender bring pain and loss? Actually the opposite is true, the lack of total surrender will bring pain and loss! The enemy invests great energy in this lie. It is whispered continually to the growing believer who has given up all but that one thing to serve the Lord, that one thing which is coveted, which has brought pleasure, which allows independence, and that allows the enemy to maintain a foothold in the believers life. What is this one thing? It differs among Christians, but will generally have to do with some right which we believe we should have: a right to be in control, not to forgive, to keep that one idol, or to have some kind of worldly possession or pleasure.
Surrender those last things!
However, since this particular type a believer has given up all else, the enemy is rarely successful in his attempt to gain a stronghold, but he uses this one thing to take the edge off the person's walk with the Lord and keep him away from the full experience of joy.
And so it is with this one small thing; it never quite allows us to enjoy all that God has given because of its presence. We see it in marriages where the enemy whispers, "if you give into him, you will become a doormat. If you love her now, you will only be encouraging that behavior." The couples in this deception, each holding onto his or her right to be in control, lying in bed refusing to touch the other, and declining to communicate, forfeit the abundant life. They have pain and loss because they do not have a total surrender.
When it comes to taking up the cross and denying self-life residue, the lies will take this form: “you must wait for others to die to self-life and abide before you do. If you deny yourself you will not be happy. Denial of self leads to abuse by others. I’ll do it if my mate will do it.” These are deep deceptions, for if the Lord is calling you to self denial, he’s calling you to abundant life. Since you have heard the message about abiding, you are to be the first to deny self and, therefore, the first to experience the blessing.
The kind of forgiveness, love, submission, and respect toward others which the Lord requires of us will never come if based on their actions. The Lord makes such demands on the basis of how he has treated us, not how others have acted. We are commanded to love because of the intensity with which he has loved us. The very thought that others do not deserve love because of their behavior is hellish and demonic, and those who believe such things are rebels in the kingdom of God. We are to love as he has loved us, lose our life for he has lost his for us, and give up all for him who gave up all for us.
As we give up all, we, too, will find great joy, not pain and loss. Do not allow the enemy to have this strong hold; right now with your mouth give up that one thing that steals joy and the life that is yours. And remember, total surrender is not a point in time when all is given up, but a recognition of a past event: that you are grafted into the vine, that you are abiding, that you gave up all the day you accepted him, and, therefore, you are totally surrendered now!
Spirituality is something that is possessed only in the present moment of abiding.
An unteachable man is a carnal one.
We want life, not knowledge.
As we begin to experience the abiding life, our emotions will take their proper place under the influence of the Spirit.
For if we decide to walk after the Spirit, and those with whom we have the most dealings (mates, partners, children, coworkers in the church, and those in our places of employment) are walking after the flesh, there will still be clashes. I have often observed that marriage partners get along better when both are walking after the flesh then when one decides to walk after the Spirit. The enemy will use this situation to beat the spiritual believer down and bring him to the place where he feels that it is no longer worth the effort to walk in the Spirit. With this experience comes the thought that it doesn’t work. However, the proof that it does work is the fact that there is a battle between flesh and spirit. Conflict is being created through contrast. By walking in the Spirit, you are exercising pressure on those around you, like salt that burns in an open wound. Don’t give in to the enemy; the Lord is using you in a mighty way. Allow your life to continue to be leaven to those around you, for what you have has proven itself throughout the centuries to be contagious! We must also be on guard against judging those who we now can easily see are living a life after the flesh. It is always easy to forget from where we have come from, and how miserable an existence we were leading. The enemy does not want us to stick it out with others, giving to them what the Lord has given to us. We will, however, by his grace, resist all temptations to turn away from any believer, not being satisfied until we see them raise the victory in Christ. Freely you received, freely give. Matthew 10:8
Those who live in passivity, never allowing the life of Christ to be expressed through them, are simply not abiding.
The same is true for the abiding Christian; there will be extended periods in which no activity is overtly seen, but in the deepest parts of his being he is being strengthened for the day when life within will be made apparent and be fruit for those around him. Let me remind you, too, that God does not intend to resolve every manifestation of the flesh through a quick answer.
Many traffic in toadstool solutions, but we will allow the Lord as much time as he sees fit to make us mighty oaks. However, the passive believer who never shows manifestations of life is not abiding, no matter how spiritual he may sound.
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