Cursed vs Blessed: You Choose
Notes: How to Pass From Curse To Blessing - Derek Prince
There may be a curse over your life if you are never able to overcome, find victory, or grow.
Break the "invisible barrier" or curse before healing can begin or be received-pray the prayer of release over your life.
Blessings and curses are charged with supernatural power and energy through words and actions. It is the power of God or the power of the devil.
Present curses or blessings on one's life can result from the choices of generations prior.
1. Genesis 22:16- Abraham and Isaac. God gave Abraham a blessing. Notice the reason for the blessing was because of obedience to God's voice.
2. Genesis 27:28-29- Isaac blesses Jacob thinking it was Esau. Prophetic blessings could not be revoked. It was supernatural from God.
1. Proverbs 26:2-there is a cause of the curse. Must identify the cause to defeat and or revoke it. God can curse nations, people, individuals. Receiving a curse from God is a severe form of punishment.
2. Genesis 12:1-3- The calling of Abraham by God has seven stages. First, he would be a great nation, second, God would bless him, third, his name would be great, fourth, he would be a blessing, fifth, God would bless others who bless him, sixth, God would curse those who curse him, seven, through him all families of the earth will be blessed. These stages are effective through Isaac and Jacob and the Jewish people or their descendants. If you are anti-Semitic a curse is on you. If you bless Israel you will be blessed.
3. Deuteronomy 27- there are 12 curses pronounced for disobeying God. The promised land was received only by obedience and it was lost by disobedience.
What causes a curse to be on you?
1. Idolatry-Occult Worship of False Gods. If this, then three generations are cursed.
2. Dishonoring parents
3. Illicit are unnatural sex-incest, homosexuality, bestiality, pornography, adultery, prostitution,
4. Injustice to weak and helpless
5. Jeremiah 17:5-6-Trusting in man and human ability-causes heart to depart from the Lord
6. Zachariah 5- families and households destroyed because of curse due to stealing, perjury and false dealings-tax fraud.
7. Joshua 6:26- In 1300 BC Joshua cursed the builder and in 800 BC Ahab built and was cursed. His kids died (1 Kings 16:34)
8. 2 Samuel 1:21- David pronounced cursing on Mount Gilboa. Men of God also can curse as well as bless. To this day, Mount Gilboa won't grow trees because David cursed it 2000 years ago.
9. Mark 11:12- Jesus cursed the fig tree. Jesus knew the naphal being absent was cause for the tree to be fruitless-he cursed it forever and it withered away.
10. Matthew 21:21- Faith without doubt will produce results that are frightening-not just a fig tree but also a mountain.
People with relational authority can bless or curse:
1. Father over his family- hey father's blessing is coveted but a father's curse is to be feared.
2. Husband over his wife- Genesis 31:32- Jacob and family with Layven and household idols. Jacob cursed the thief of Laban's idol. He did not know it was his wife Rachel who took it, and she died in childbirth. Jacob pronounced Rachel's destiny with a curse.
3. Teachers over pupils
4. Pastors over congregation
5. Religious groups over their people.
6. Self-Imposed Curses - Rebecca cursed herself doubly because of the daughters of Heth. Saying things like, "I wish I were dead "or "there is no hope for me "are self-imposed curses. There is power in the tongue. Matthew 27:24-25- they said that his blood be on us and our children. This was a self imposed generational curse.
7. Men representing Satan can curse- Witch Doctors, Baalam king of Moab cursed Israel.
8. Soulish Prayers and Utterances- James 3:14-15- this is wisdom that is not God's wisdom-(demonic/soulish/earthly/sensual) These are preachers, fathers, and or husbands who have their own ideas for others-through criticism and negative power. Many problems come from the cursing of those closest to us.
9. Unscriptural Covenants- Exodus 23:32- make no covenant with evil people. KKK/Freemason/illuminati/witches/voodoo/psychics. If any covenant is to be made only make it through the blood of Jesus.
Forms of Blessing and Curses:
Deuteronomy 28 is a full chapter that defines blessings and curses. Verses one and two-"diligently listen to the voice and commandments of the Lord my God." Listening diligently to the voice of God is the condition to receive a blessing!
Not listening to God brings curses!
What is the summation of all blessings from God in Deut 28?
1. Exaltation
2. Health
3. Reproduction in all areas
4. Prosperity
5. Victory
6. God's favor
7. To be the head and not the tail
What is the summation of all the curses in Deuteronomy 28?
1. Humiliation
2. Failure of production in all areas
3. Sickness both mental and physical
4. Family breakdown
5. Divorce, alienation of kids
6. Poverty
7. Defeat
8. Depression
9. Failure
10. God's disfavor
What are seven factors that you may be under a curse?
1. Mental and emotional breakdown
2. Repeated chronic sickness with no clear diagnosis
3. Repeated miscarriage and female health problems
4. Breakdown of marriage and family alienation
5. Continuing financial insufficiency
6. Accident prone
7. History of suicide and unnatural death
Jesus Christ was cursed that we might be blessed! Galatians chapter 3 verses 13 through 14- Jesus brought deliverance and we must still meet the conditions for deliverance.
What are the conditions for being delivered from a curse and receiving the blessing of God?
I.Have a clear scriptural basis
1. Recognize
2. Repent
3. Renounce
4. Resist.
5. Ephesians 1:7-“He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.”
6. Colossians 1:13-14- “For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.”
7. 1 John 3:8- “But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil.”
8. Luke 10:19- “Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.”
II. Confess Faith In Christ
III. Commit to Obedience
IV. Confess known sin of self and ancestors.
V. Forgive all persons
VI. Renounce all contact with the occult images, charms, tarot cards, oujie boards, secret societies, witchcraft, trolls, horoscopes, yoga,
VII. Release Yourself in the name of Jesus.
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