Saturday, April 09, 2016

Loving Jesus When You Need Him Most

Is there something you need to show the the moments you need him most? We have a part to play in this most amazing relationship with Jesus Christ. In each moment, His grace is sufficient, and his mercy is eternal. Loving Him in the moments we need him most is the purpose of life. His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. His power manifests through this giving and receiving of love. His love never fails, and we need him continually. He waits for us, and cheers for us. Jesus hopes and prays for us even when we mess up, and even when we follow through. He forgives and receives all the glory in our failures and our obedience. Jesus, in his Sovereignty and Omniscience over us, shares tears when we cry, endures in loving patience toward us when we callous, and remains sure and steady when we doubt or believe. He's got it and He's got us. He has the heart of his Perfect Father, He's a Faultless Savior, A Best Friend, and Ultimate Lord. He's more satisfying and significant than the air we breathe , food we eat, water we drink and money we seek. More important than all that we depend on. Only in Jesus is death the beginning of Life, and Life is eternal. Only in Jesus is fear removed in Perfect Love, and Perfect Love never fails. And by the Word of God we can know Him, and by His Creation we can see Him. Jesus matters today. He is the difference we are hoping for in this world. He is the answer we need. Jesus is the song we are longing to find and sing. 

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