Saturday, April 09, 2016

Jesus Was A Man Of No Reputation

“but made Himself of no reputation....” Philippians 2:7 NKJV

Would you be content and comfortable with the identity God wanted to give you even if you couldn't fully know or grasp it? The call of God on the hearts of people to become pure in heart is constant. Jesus being a man could have gloated in his high position, and selfishly received due honor and praise from the people, but that would have been the end for us. But as a man, he chose instead to be of no reputation, and did what needed to be done ( lived to die) because of the joy set before him. As God, Jesus was truly unselfish, humble and pure in spirit. In our humanity, we can let our reputations hinder us from responding to the pure motive of the Holy Spirit who calls us into a child like, conscious of God alone kind of faith. "Why did I not respond to the Holy Spirit when he called me to surrender my life to Jesus Christ?" The answer could be that your reputation is more important to you then the salvation offered to you? If you're going to a service this weekend, or not, you might hear the call of God to follow Jesus again or for the first time. Why are you going to say yes or no? What matters is what God thinks and wants. Being able to come out of the darkness and into the light is dependent upon a person making themselves of no reputation. The identity God wants to give us may be beyond our understanding but it is truly purifying. When Jesus hung on the tree naked, ashamed, humiliated, embarrassed, and in pain he was ending that old reputation once and for all. He was winning, purifying and forgiving us. He was beginning a 3 day process that wouldn't only pierce the darkness of sin and death, but would end its power with complete victory over it. When you identify with Jesus that victory is yours as a gift from him! There is absolutely nothing you could have done that can stick to you, stain you or hold you down because of what Jesus did for you.    Can you imagine the thoughts of God the Father and the Holy Spirit as Jesus laid there in the darkness of the tomb!! And the anticipation of the life to burst forth!! Waiting patiently!! It can send chills through you.  No doubt he took a nap in that boat and storm on the Sea of Galilee to show us the bigger picture of overcoming the grave. No matter your age or experience, responding to the call of God into purity and salvation starts with a choice of being content with having no reputation. Your identity past, present and future is given to you by Jesus.

It's a Powerful Resurrection Weekend. 

Man of No Reputation - A Ragamuffin Band - Rich Mullins

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