Monday, September 21, 2015

If Your Heart Is Hard Toward God A Miracle Might Only Deceive You

Miracles have nothing to do with creating faith....that is, the faith that Jesus wants us to have in him. In fact you could see a sign or wonder performed, and it would do nothing for you unto salvation. It might make you gasp in wonder, but it wouldn't make any difference if your heart isn't right.  The religious leaders in Jesus day knew that he was performing miracles, but their hearts were hard so they weren't believing. They did not want to believe in him, and told the people not to believe in him because they were filled with other things. 

The Bible says that the Anti-Christ is going to come on the scene in the last days, and he will have a religious leader as his sidekick. These guys are going to perform signs and wonders/miracles that we have never seen before in an effort to prove their authority. Are you going to put your trust in them or will you put your trust in what the Bible says? Where is your heart? Is it looking for a "savior" or THE Savior. 

“When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had arrived, they came and started to argue with him. Testing him, they demanded that he show them a miraculous sign from heaven to prove his authority. When he heard this, he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, “Why do these people keep demanding a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, I will not give this generation any such sign.” So he got back into the boat and left them, and he crossed to the other side of the lake.” Mark 8:11-13 NLT

This issue of believing in Jesus goes far deeper then the material world. It is a state of being that is not bound by time or space. Think seriously about this passage where Jesus is speaking about those who have already passed on from this physical world and their concerns for us who are still on earth:

“Jesus said, “There was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed in purple and fine linen and who lived each day in luxury. At his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus who was covered with sores. As Lazarus lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his open sores. “Finally, the poor man died and was carried by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried, and his soul went to the place of the dead. There, in torment, he saw Abraham in the far distance with Lazarus at his side. “The rich man shouted, ‘Father Abraham, have some pity! Send Lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am in anguish in these flames.’ “But Abraham said to him, ‘Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted, and you are in anguish. And besides, there is a great chasm separating us. No one can cross over to you from here, and no one can cross over to us from there.’ “Then the rich man said, ‘Please, Father Abraham, at least send him to my father’s home. For I have five brothers, and I want him to warn them so they don’t end up in this place of torment.’ “But Abraham said, ‘Moses and the prophets have warned them. Your brothers can read what they wrote.’ “The rich man replied, ‘No, Father Abraham! But if someone is sent to them from the dead, then they will repent of their sins and turn to God.’ “But Abraham said, ‘If they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they won’t be persuaded EVEN IF SOMEONE RISES FROM THE DEAD. ””
Luke 16:19-31

I believe Jesus was referring to himself when he said, 'even if someone rises from the dead.' The deep issue is, why do people believe in the truth vs. why do they believe in something that masquerades as the "truth"? 

The Bible says that the Anti-Christ is going to be severely wounded with a head wound but that he will "miraculously" come back to "life."   It says that he's going to fix all these problems that we have in the world, and that people are just going to "believe" in him as the "answer." But neither will the Anti-Christ Religious Leader nor this Anti-Christ Political Leader tell you anything about about or your hard-hearted sin and how it is keeping you from being healed, forgiven, justified by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Don't be deceived by lying signs and wonders. Pharaoh's magicians mimicked Moses' signs, and the Anti-Christ will mimic Jesus' miracles.  Yes, Jesus did miracles to help prove his authority, but he did those miracles out of His Spirit of Love. He genuinely cared for the sick so he healed them, and he genuinely loved us, the walking dead people, so much that he went to the cross to suffer for our sins and give us a chance to be with him forever in an awesome relationship. He only rose from the grave because death could not contain him, nor hold him down. He is literally LIFE itself. And if you believe in Him he will also raise you from the dead. We ought to believe in Jesus because we love him for loving us, and for dying for us, and because he is the real Savior of the world...the real Peace Maker. 

If your heart is hard towards this truth no miracle will ever make a difference, in fact, it most likely will only deceive you. 

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