Notes: Appointing Elders Pt 1- Dr. Steve Hereford
-Titus 1:5 - Appointment of Elders
-Titus 1:6-9 - Elder qualifications that parallel 1Timothy 3
- Elder is synonymous with "Pastor," "Overseer," "Bishop," "Leader," "Ruler," "Shepherd" ( Ephesians 4:11, Acts 20:28, Hebrews 13:7)
- Why are Elders/Pastors not seen as Plural in the Word as written. There are more then one. It is not a singular context? There are leaders among leaders overseeing the Church. There is more need for plurality not singularity in leading the Church.
-Acts 20:28 - The Holy Spirit has made elders as overseers, who don't do everything, to shepherd the Church that was purchased through Jesus' blood. Jesus died for the Church and is Head over the Bride. All have a part in growing the Church
- Titus 2:10- Tasks of Elders is to, "not pilfer, but to show all good faith, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior."
- Titus was commissioned to set straight the leadership of the church. He was an Elder commissioned by the apostle Paul in Titus 1:4, because the affairs of the church or not rightly ordered. he was an apostolic agent for Paul's apostleship, and he was told to speak confidently.
- There is a major need for qualified elders/pastors in the Church.
-Waiting for adequate leadership, qualified people to oversee takes time. Ordination should not be taken to fast because the person will model and lead others. What kind of person is he? Sins, disciplined, character, qualified?
-To appoint elders is to put them in place of leadership and oversight. "Laying on of hands" is an Old Testament practice carried on into the present Numbers 27:18. Paul and Barnabas were set a part in Acts 13:2-3. In Acts 14:3 Elders are appointed or commissioned.
-Qualified people must be in ministry. Search Committees must be established for this important process. Men who have matured over time are good candidates.
- Ephesians 4:8-12- Elders are gifted by God. God gives these various gifts to the Church and they are called apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds/ pastors/ teachers/ elders/ bishops Acts 20:28/ overseers/ leaders Hebrews 13:7/ rulers.
-There is a plurality in scripture for church leadership - Acts 14:23 , Philippians 1:1
-There is a difference between pastors and deacons. Why do we have a plurality of deacons, but not a plurality of elders in our understanding of church leadership?
-There is more information in the New Testament about pastors then about deacons. 1 Timothy 3 is about deacons. Both men and women are deacons Acts 6, and Romans 16.
- A Deacon means servant.
- Why do we give deacons authority in the church as elders? This is not right. Deacons can be involved in the implementation of what the pastor/elder/bishops/overseer/shepherd/leader/ruler establish and teach, but they are not to establish in authority. Acts 6 is the Pattern.
- Deacons are signed so elders are not pulled away from the word and prayer.
-1 Timothy 5:17 = Pastors/Elders stand first and preside. They are hard workers in teaching, leading, modeling the scripture and sound doctrine.
- Their presiding duties are 1 Thess 5:12-13, Hebrews 13:7,17, 1 Peter 5:2-3
- Preaching and Teaching are different. It's the difference between proclaiming versus detailed instruction. Ephesians 4:11 Pastor/Teachers
- Elders protect the church, expose and rebuke false teaching. Elders are to guard the church and will answer to Jesus himself. This is something to have a healthy fear about.
- " I scarcely prepare my messages with pleasure. It is the most irksome work." Spurgeon
- Elders Feed the flock, protect the flock, are immersed in the word so that they know the truth versus error. Elders go deep in the word because they understand that the theology helps him and the church in our daily lives. The people are to live what is taught.
- Misinterpretation of the word of God is a result of not being in the word regularly. Improper council results. God's measurement of leadership does not fluctuate. The book of Titus.
- Elders are not marred by a disgraceful or just cause for blame that could diminish their authority, general character, or qualification. Psalm 101:6
- Elders are not called to be producing a lot in the church; managing a lot; or adept at mobilizing others to service. All are good, but elders are to be godly leaders, modeling virtue and devotion to the Lord, excellent teachers.
- Mistakenly, many church pastors or elders view their role as a promoter, businessman, psychologist, executive, president, entertainer. This is sharply contrasted in the Bible in second Timothy 2 and 3 which describe the figure of responsibility and faithfulness. 1. Able Teachers, 2. Soldiers on active duty, 3. Athletes who compete according to the rules, 4. Farmers, 5. Careful Workman, 6. Useful Vessels, 7. Bond Servants etc. All are called to live accordingly.
- Pastors/Elders are not to be self grandizing, not glamorous, but rather focused on winning lost souls, discipling, teaching, preaching, organizing wise decision makers, maintaining careful stewardship of finances, being in consistent and earnest prayer, disciplining of sinning members of the church, ordinating other qualified elders.
- Elders are to be above reproach meaning there is no obvious attitude or incident, habit, Marr or defect of character. He is not perfect, but above reproach as Philippians 2:14-15 says. Spotless, blameless followers. Elders, Servants and Members of the Church.
- Elders are above reproach in regards to complaining and arguing 2 Peter 3:14
- An Elder is a man of one woman. A one woman man. A husband of but one wife. Fidelity to one woman. Solomon and other Old Testament people do not qualify to lead the Church. This is stressing character not marital circumstances. This is not referring to biblical divorce, nor polygamy which is forbidden in the New Testament Scripture, nor remarried widowers, nor is it requiring elders to be married. The Apostle Paul was not married 1 Corinthians 9:5, but other leaders were. 1 Corinthians 7:2 is sexual fidelity to one woman and describing both inner and outer purity. How do you prevent sexual sin? A man and woman get married and they have sex together in marriage.
- A Pastor/ Elder is required to lead his family according to scripture. Titus 1:6. He is to have his home in order and children who are faithful in conduct and behavior. The elder is not responsible for the salvation of his children, but he is responsible if his children, who live in his home, are living wild rebellious lives. Is the requirement number six referring to children who are obedient to their father or requiring that all of his children have a saving faith? Godly parents cannot force their children into the faith. Children's conduct and ability of the elder to control his children's behavior is what is required. 1 Timothy 3:5 mentions the elder has managerial skills over his family. Only God can save a person as seen in Ephesians 2:8-9. Faith is a gift as is repentance. The elder is responsible for sharing both the good and the bad of the gospel so that people and his own children can intelligently accept or reject the truth. The elder/pastor both reads and teaches scripture to the children. The elder is not responsible for the salvation of his children. He could have six children and five of them follow the Lord, and one chooses to rebel and they were all under the same leadership. Does the one rebellious child disqualify the elder from being a minister? No.
- Children's behavior is what verse six is referring to. Responsible and faithful family members, loyal, dutiful, good citizens, faithful children.
And elders children should not live a wild immoral lifestyle. This is a disqualification for eldership. Before God we are justified by faith. Before men we are justified by works. Paul vs. James. The fruit/ evidence of salvation is good works.
- An elder or pastor might need to step down for a season to help his child grow out of wild living if that is an issue. Giving in to sin constantly is a measure of character. Use the rod of correction for effective conviction.
- 1 Peter 4:3 = Dissipation--> vs 4
- The gospel is foolishness to the world, but to those who are saved by it , it is the power of God. Insubordination is rebellion. It is someone who thinks they are not subject to authority/society/governing bodies. Children reflect the elder.
- Titus 1:7-8- The Overseers/ Pastors watch others, they see what is going on in the Church Body. He is a good household manager and manager of the Church.
- The elder is not self-pleasing, nor refusing to listen to others, is teachable, he is not self-interested, nor stubborn and arrogant, nor overbearing nor insensitive. He is not quick-tempered, nor has a propensity to anger for this is foolish to be easily flared. Proverbs 14:17, Proverbs 19:22.
- A Pastor is not continually alongside the wine. Not purposing to get drunk. Elders don't associate in bars, taverns, scenes, clubs.
- Elders are not violent nor do they strike others.
- Pastors and Leaders of the Church Body are not lovers of money. A lust for gold is the last corruption of a degenerate man. "I need a raise." Elders have no say so in what they make. Never put a price on your ministry. Look forward to, "well done good and faithful servant." This is the difference between a true pastor/shepherd and a false pastor.
- There is a lot of weight to be a Godly leader in the Church whom Jesus is Head and whom he shed his blood for.
-Who should baptize people in the church? The leaders and elders, rulers, pastors, shepherds, bishops, should baptize because they are connected/commissioned to the oversight of the ministry.
-The process of finding an Elder/Pastor takes time-maybe up to 2 to 3 years. -Looking into each others lives through Bible studies, in the home, asking questions, watching, evaluating is necessary. Being involved in ministry is like living in a fish bowl. Everyone must know that you are qualified as a Pastor, Elder, Bishop, Overseer, Shepherd etc.
-Qualified elders will select qualified deacons.
-it is good to have multiple elders in a church. They can fill in if main Pastor leaves or no longer attends, they can provide accountability, they can teach, they can make decisions. There is familiarity in leadership to all in the Church, they helps morality and ministry.
- Alexander Strouch- Author of Biblical Eldership and Deacons"
-1 Timothy 3 contains Deacon qualifications also.
- 2 Corinthians 13:4 - examine yourself to see if you are in the faith as an elder.
- All are to examine themselves in the church.
- Richard Baxter- Author of topics about looking into your own life.