Religion (man's effort and work to please some kind of god) is not the answer, politics (man's attempt to govern people and maintain some kind of civil order) is not the answer. The answer is a sincere faith proven by yielded actions. Love is a verb that can only be propelled by the Holy Spirit. The world really needs the Living God to put its faith in so the Holy Spirit can do its work. He can get things done through yielded and surrendered people.
Andrew Murray writes, "God's opinion of what we really are, and what we desire is not based on the feelings we conjure up, but rather the tone of our lives during the day. Our relationship with God is part of our relationship with people, and failure in one of these is failure in the other. The effective prayer of faith comes from a life given up to the will and the love of God. My prayer is answered by God, not as a result of what I try to be when praying, but because of what I am when I am not praying. "
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